
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 7249 - 7272 of 7456

Bayer may end sales of toxic weedkiller Roundup for residential use

After a federal judge rejected a proposed $2 billion settlement for all future claims that Roundup causes cancer, the maker of the widely used weedkiller said it will consider whether to end its sale...

Why food prices are rising – and how to save money on groceries

If you suspect your grocery bill is getting pricier, it’s not your imagination.

Congressional defense bill tackles 'forever chemicals' with funding boost, policy reforms

The final version of Congress’ National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2022 includes $517 million in funding to clean up the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, and critical policy...

Vinyl records’ revival threatens environment and health

Demand for vinyl records is soaring, but there’s something funky about this musical comeback – the energy and chemicals involved with producing the iconic circular discs creates pollution, adds to the...

Leading clean energy and environmental justice advocates and utility industry experts held an online briefing to discuss a PG&E-backed plan, which regulators could soon approve, to quash California’s popular rooftop solar program. If enacted, the proposal would exact a heavy financial toll on captive ratepayers, just as electric bills for millions of working-class Californians are skyrocketing.  

Protect babies from toxic heavy metals in baby food

By Helen Lucey | January 20, 2022

A shocking congressional report revealed dangerously high levels of toxic heavy metals, including lead, arsenic and mercury, in popular baby foods. These metals can cause permanent harm to babies' developing brains.

But manufacturers still have almost no responsibility to test for heavy metals or to warn consumers if levels are elevated. Insane!

EWG is calling on Congress to take action NOW to

Many companies declare that their products have no added PFAS. The brands listed below are chiefly drawn from the registries of Green Science Policy Institute, ChemSec and Cradle to Cradle Certified. Additional brands are included.

New tests find toxic 'forever chemicals' in bedding, yoga pants and other textiles

Two new reports find detectable levels of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in consumer textile products like bedding, tablecloths and sportswear.

EWG crop insurance database

The Federal Crop Insurance Program is a federally subsidized program that pays farmers when their crop yields or revenues decline, expending billions of taxpayer dollars each year.
Una amenaza tóxica se presenta en muchas partes del condado de Ventura, en California, donde todos, desde los trabajadores agrícolas hasta las familias, podrían correr el riesgo de una mayor exposición a pesticidas dañinos.

Almost 250 DOD sites have detectable levels of ‘forever chemical’ PFHxS

A toxic “forever chemical” detected in the blood of West Virginia residents is also commonly found in the groundwater or drinking water or both of almost 250 Department of Defense sites.

Biden EPA revives justification for coal utility mercury rule

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced a proposed rule restoring the legal foundation for limiting coal-fired power plants’ mercury emissions under the Clean Air Act, a finding the Trump...

Does cell phone radiation affect men’s fertility?

Cell phone use – and exposure to radiofrequency radiation – can harm male fertility, according to a new study.

EWG applauds USDA climate pilot projects, calls for Senate to pass Build Back Better Act

WASHINGTON – The Environmental Working Group today applauded the Department of Agriculture for dedicating $1 billion to “climate smart” pilot projects designed to measure and verify practices that may...

EWG: California’s $30B future energy transmission plan stuck in past, ignores residential solar, efficiency

A draft plan released last week claims California will need to spend more than $30 billion on additional transmission infrastructure for Pacific Gas & Electric and other investor-owned utilities to...

EWG analysis: As climate crisis accelerated, 10 Mississippi River basin counties raked in $3 billion in crop insurance payouts

Ten counties in the Mississippi River basin received over $3 billion in crop insurance payments between 2001 and 2020, much of it for losses caused by extreme weather tied to the climate crisis...

EWG news roundup (2/18): Califf confirmed as FDA commissioner, Calif. voters overwhelmingly oppose plan to crush rooftop solar program and more

EWG news roundup (2/18): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

USGS detects ‘forever chemicals’ in 16 states’ water wells

The U.S. Geological Survey has detected the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in public and private drinking water wells in 16 Eastern states.

Duke Energy may waste millions on nonexistent nuclear reactors, ignoring safe and clean renewable power

Duke Energy could soon throw away hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars by investing in the emerging nuclear energy technology known as small modular reactors, or SMRs, ignoring cleaner and...

Why is EWG talking about plant-based foods and the climate crisis?

It’s no secret we’re living through a period of unprecedented and catastrophic climate change, and every day serious problems from the crisis become more apparent.

California oil spill revives EWG’s fears about toxic dispersants, weak EPA rules

Efforts to clean up the massive oil spill off southern California’s coast should carefully consider the risks of using toxic dispersants, warns the Environmental Working Group, given the harm the...

PFAS roadmap sets new direction for EPA

The Environmental Working Group today recognized EPA Administrator Michael Regan for making the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS a priority and urged the Defense Department, Food and Drug...

EPA still failing to act on widespread toxic chemical contamination of U.S. drinking water

Millions of Americans are unwittingly drinking water that includes an invisible toxic cocktail made up of contaminants linked to cancer, brain damage and other serious health harms, the 2021 update to...

Six tips to avoid phthalates after study highlights health harms, billion-dollar costs

A new study of the endocrine-disrupting chemicals known as phthalates found in everyday products like perfumes and toys adds to mounting evidence of their chronic health harms and potentially billions...