
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 7345 - 7368 of 7456

Addressing misinformation on the internet about EWG’s ratings systems

A recent viral social media post about a Bath & Body Works air freshener makes inaccurate and misleading allegations about EWG’s product ratings systems.

Climate crisis-linked extreme weather in the Midwest shows why the Crop Insurance Program urgently needs reform

Farmers both contribute to the climate crisis – they’re responsible for producing at least 10 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions – and they can also be devastated by its harmful effects, with extreme weather commonly destroying crop yields.

Duke Energy reports just over 5 percent electricity from wind and solar in 2021, despite clean energy claims

Duke Energy claims its growth of renewable energy sources “soared” in 2021, but the company generated just 5.4 percent of its electricity from wind and solar last year, according to a report the...

EWG, others urge New York Senate to pass two-year pause on fossil-fuel intensive bitcoin mining

The New York State Assembly passed legislation on Tuesday that would impose a two-year pause on new “proof of work” cryptocurrency mining operations in the state that rely on electricity from fossil...

EPA to suspend all uses of widely used weedkiller over risks to fetus, thyroid function

The Environmental Protection Agency intends to suspend all future uses of a toxic weedkiller that scientific research has shown to cause harm to the developing fetus and problems associated with...

The lentil, an annual plant known for its lens-shaped seeds, comes in hundreds of varieties, with about 50 being cultivated for food. Most are grown in Canada and India. The green variety, used in this dish – along with black, if you can find them – is available in bags and bulk in most grocery stores.

Cook: Cooking time depends on the type of lentil. Green and black cook in about the same

Tempeh is made from whole fermented soy beans. Although native to east Asia, soybeans also grow in the U.S. About 94 percent of the U.S. soy crop is genetically modified, so choose organic, if possible. To make tempeh, soybeans are soaked, hulled and cooked, and once drained, mixed with a fungus to start the fermentation process. 

Cook: Tempeh can marinate and be seasoned like any animal protein

Tofu is made not from soybeans but from their milk. Although native to east Asia, soybeans grow well in the U.S. About 94 percent of the U.S. soy crop is genetically modified, so it’s best to choose organic soy, if possible. Tofu is made by curdling soy milk with heat and a coagulant like nigiri. The curds are then pressed into a sliceable cake. Tofu is available in varying degrees of softness.

Fighting the climate crisis: It’s the cow and the how

Changing how we produce beef can reduce greenhouse gas emissions – but not enough to offset the growing demand for beef and its contribution to the climate crisis.

DOE throws PG&E lifeline to keep aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant operating

The U.S. Department of Energy is extending the deadline for Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, to submit required documents for getting part of a $6 billion federal fund, in order to keep the aging...

California grants ‘safety’ certificate to PG&E, allowing utility to recoup wildfire costs from ratepayers

A new state agency created by the Newsom administration and charged with developing a “long-term utility vision to reduce wildfire and underground risk” has issued a safety certificate to Pacific Gas...
Whether it’s paying for wildfire safety or padding the profits of PG&E’s shareholders, California ratepayers are on the hook for billions of dollars of unfair bailouts for the utility.

Biden EPA moves closer to final ban of brain-damaging pesticide

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced it is taking several final steps required to officially ban any further agricultural uses of the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos, rejecting all...

EWG joins North Carolina coalition fighting monopoly utility Duke Energy’s plot to hobble rooftop solar

The Environmental Working Group is formally intervening in a North Carolina utility proceeding to oppose a Duke Energy plan that would put rooftop solar power financially out of reach for many working...

The vital nutrition facts you’re missing when buying groceries online

When you’re shopping for groceries online, you’re likely missing out on vital nutritional information. That’s because the law requiring these facts to be printed on food product labels is a few...

What is chromium-6? Here’s what you need to know

Hexavalent chromium, or chromium-6, is the cancer-causing chemical that poisoned the community of Hinkley, Calif., made notorious by the 2000 film “Erin Brockovich.”

Lacking safety data, the FDA should act to ban oxybenzone in sunscreens

Time’s up, sunscreen industry. Last month, the clock ran out on the sunscreen industry to prove to the Food and Drug Administration that oxybenzone, a common ingredient in sunscreen, is both safe and...

Industry once again shirking EPA reporting requirements on ‘forever chemicals’

Just 44 facilities reported discharges of the toxic “forever chemicals’ known as PFAS, despite the existence of almost 30,000 potential dischargers, according to new reporting from the Environmental...

Biden should urge ‘windfall profit tax’ on big oil companies fleecing Americans at the gas pump

President Joe Biden in remarks today attacked oil industry giants for reaping record profits but not lowering prices that are battering U.S. consumers’ pocketbooks – and he should go a step further...

EPA needs funding boost to meet new TSCA requirements

The Environmental Protection Agency continues to suffer from long-term congressional underfunding, which has starved it of the resources needed to meet its existing and future needs. The agency needs...

EPA proposal will expand polluter reporting of ‘forever chemical’ discharges

Today the Environmental Protection Agency released a proposed rule removing a loophole that has allowed companies to shirk their obligation to report the toxic forever chemicals known as PFAS under...

EWG applauds bicameral legislation to address crypto mining’s climate and energy impacts

The Environmental Working Group today applauded Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) for introducing legislation to require more reporting and analysis of the climate and energy...

Five ways a hidden Pentagon health study undercounts ‘forever chemicals’ risks

The Defense Department may be underestimating by hundreds of thousands the number of people at military installations drinking water contaminated with the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. The DOD’s...

How exposure to cell phones and other technology affects reproductive health

Wireless devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi and other communication technologies release radiofrequency radiation that can harm the human body.