
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 769 - 792 of 7455

One Million Americans to Fight Industry Efforts to Kill Clean Energy Agenda

Fed up with the undue influence of the energy companies, utilities, lobbyists and other interests that are making it impossible for Washington to move forward decisively in achieving America's clean...

Senate Adopts Common Sense Reform to Crop Insurance Subsidies

Environmental Working Group released this statement on the passage of the Coburn-Durbin amendment to reduce premium subsidies by 15 percent for farm businesses with adjusted gross incomes of more than...

FDA to Ban BPA from Infant Formula

The federal Food and Drug Administration has informed Rep. Edward M. Markey (D-MA) that it is beginning a process that could end the use of the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, in infant...

Healthy Food, California Get Short Shrift in Farm Bill

An Environmental Working Group analysis highlights the skewed priorities and gross inequities in federal spending under the nation's most far-reaching food and farm legislation.

EWG statement on Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012

Statement of Craig Cox, Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Environmental Working Group, on the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012: “A farm bill that cuts...

Poor Farming Practices Foul Drinking Water at the Source

A new Environmental Working Group report examines water pollution caused by farm runoff and details how treating the problem after the fact is increasingly expensive, difficult and, if current trends...

Ad Campaign Targets Farm Bill Conservation Cuts

WASHINGTON – Some lawmakers have made clear that they intend to cut 7 million acres protected under the Conservation Reserve Program from the next farm bill. Congress has cut other critical...

Senate Votes to Bar Farm Subsidies to Millionaires

The U.S. Senate voted 84-15 last night to deny farm subsidy payments to millionaires.

EPA Ruling Backs Camp Lejeune Victims

The Environmental Protection Agency has handed a major victory to veterans, civilian workers and families who resided at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina when its drinking water was polluted with the...

Cosmetic Industry Declares Formaldehyde In Hair Products Unsafe

The mainstream cosmetics industry has, for the first time, declared formaldehyde unsafe at any level in hair straighteners.

Obama’s Debt Reduction Plan Would Eliminate Wasteful Farm Subsidies

Kenneth A. Cook, president and co-founder of Environmental Working Group, has applauded President Obama's plan to reform the nation's wasteful agriculture policy in his drive to reduce the nation's...

EWG Dissects Federal Fracking Report

A Department of Energy advisory panel's draft report has insufficiently examined in depth the health and safety issues raised by natural gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing, according to a detailed...

Fracking Disclosure Bill Advances in California State Legislature

The California State Assembly has passed legislation sponsored by Environmental Working Group and Earthworks to require oil and natural gas drillers to make public a complete list of chemicals they...

Stacked Fracking Panel Has Public Meeting Monday in Pennsylvania

Monday night, June 13, is your chance to speak up on behalf of America's drinking water and to help protect your land from damage from oil and gas drilling.

National, State Groups Back Health Care for Camp Lejeune Vets, Families

Veterans and their families made ill by contaminated well water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina should not have to fight to get medical care and services.

Disapproval of Fracking Panel Grows

Religious leaders, community representatives, environmental groups and health advocates from 100 organizations representing 2 million people in 13 states have united to protest the U.S. Energy...

Scientists Protest Makeup of DoE Natural Gas Panel

Twenty eight scientists from 22 universities in 13 states have signed a letter objecting to the makeup of an industry-dominated advisory panel named by Energy Secretary Steven Chu to examine safety...

Agricultural Pollution Has Contaminated Tap Water in Dozens of Locations So Far in 2020

EWG has found 377 news reports of agricultural pollution contaminating drinking water in 303 locations since 2010. With four months left in 2020, 38 of those cities, towns and counties have suffered...

EWG News Roundup (9/18): Harmful Food Additives, Trump Disses Climate Science and More

EWG News Roundup (9/18): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

5 Things To Avoid in Your Personal Care Products If You’re Pregnant or Trying To Get Pregnant

If you're pregnant, or trying to become pregnant, it's likely you're considering how to limit your exposure to toxic chemicals. After all, you no longer have just your health to think about, you also...

Beyond DuPont’s Game Face On Federal Teflon Chemical Inquiry Lie Aggressive and Illegal Efforts To Control Damage

A routine-seeming government meeting this Friday marks the public debut of what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says is one of the most sweeping regulatory inquiries it has ever mounted...

Cotton and Accountability

It is the big 'what if' question occupying Brazilian policy experts and legislators in the wake of their country's stunning victory over the United States at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in...

The End of Environmental Law as We Know It

The Senate will almost certainly vote next week to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Because of the way she sees the role of government, her confirmation could mark the end of...

Good Food Lunch Boxes

Are you looking for ideas for healthy, affordable and brown-bag-ready lunches? As kids head back to school, the Environmental Working Group wants to help you get the year started right.