
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1057 - 1080 of 7455

FDA Should Adopt EPA Tap Water Health Goals for Bottled Water

Bottled water costs hundreds of times more than tap water, but when it comes to consumer protections, it's no better.

Last Minute Mischief at EPA

As the clock runs out on the Bush administration, officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are trying to hand industry yet another victory by refusing to set safety standards for the...

Pollution Solutions For Gulf ‘Dead Zone’ Disaster

Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution from agriculture sources flowing from the Mississippi River is devastating the northern Gulf of Mexico and impacting human health, killing fish and limiting...

EPA: Rocket Fuel Contaminant Safe For Nation’s Drinking Water

The nation's top environmental enforcement agency has decided against regulating perchlorate, a component of solid rocket fuel that has been found in the drinking water of millions of Americans.

CA Assembly Votes to Ban Toxic Teflon Compound in Food Packaging

In a stunning comeback for a bill that was on life support a week ago, the California State Assembly has approved first-in-the-nation legislation to ban from food wrappers and packaging a toxic Teflon...

FDA Decision Over BPA Meant to Influence California Lawmakers?

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Senior Analyst Renee Sharp issued the following statement in reaction to today's announcement by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claiming exposure to BPA from...

Senate to push for Sunscreen Labeling

Senator Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT) has introduced the Sunscreen Labeling Protection Act of 2008.

OTA: ABC planned apology does not go far enough

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) today said ABC News intentions to announce a brief token apology on Friday's 20/20 falls far short of what the network must do to make amends to the organic...

EWG Press Release

The watchdog group that forced John Stossel's on-air apology for an erroneous story on organic food today asked ABC News to make good on a promise to halt circulation of tapes and transcripts of the...

ABC Correspondent John Stossel's Attack on Organic Food Industry Exposed as a Fraud

Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the Organic Trade Association (OTA) will release new evidence on Thursday that ABC Correspondent John Stossel knew himself months before his story ran that he...

News Release

More than 2.3 million pounds of the acutely toxic pesticide methyl bromide are applied near California schools each year, but the state is proposing new regulations that ignore its own scientists'...

EWG Investigation Finds Controversial 1996 Farm Law Was Subsidy Boon for Largest Farms

Taxpayers may not realize it, but the billions they spend on subsidies to save family farms may be hastening their demise.

10 LA County Plants Long Overdue

Half of major industrial water polluters in California are operating with expired pollution permits, according to state and federal data analyzed by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Friends of...

Leaking Fuel Storage Tanks Threaten Water

The state has almost never ordered cleanup or assessed fines for the thousands of underground gasoline storage tanks leaking MTBE and other toxic chemicals into California's water and soil, even when...

Toxic Waste Widespread in Calif. Farm & Home Fertilizers

Californians are unknowingly spreading fertilizers made from toxic waste to farm fields and home gardens, according to state and independent tests. Even though these products may exceed state...

US Sues Electric Utilities for Clean Air Act Violations

Group Touts Federal Action Against Dirty, Coal-Burning Plants

Pesticide Companies Using Humans in Lab Studies

For decades, U.S. and foreign pesticide manufacturers have been feeding their products to rats, rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs in thousands of controlled laboratory studies, all designed to satisfy...

Farm Pesticide Use on Rise

Five years after the Clinton Administration promised a bold initiative to reduce pesticide use and make children's health the top priority in federal pesticide regulation, the government has done...

Opposition via the Internet

On June 17, the Corps formally proposed to extend some wetlands permits for 5 years, and to add several new permits with the potential for significant environmental damage. One of the new permits...

Budget Amendment Threatens New Farm Supports

The new "Freedom to Farm" subsidy contract payments that many farmers believe are guaranteed for the next 7 years will probably be slashed if Congress approves a balanced budget amendment to the U.S...

Clinton Clean Air Proposal An Important Step Forward

The Clinton Administration's new clean air proposal is an important move forward, but must be strengthened substantially to save the lives of some 40,000 Americans who will continue die prematurely...

Bush Handed DuPont Goodbye Gift Over Toxic Teflon Chemical

In the last weeks of the Bush administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quietly handed DuPont Co. a three-year extension to complete tests mandated by a 2005 legal settlement on a...

Independent Science Panel to EPA: Teflon Chemical is 'Likely' Human Carcinogen

A panel comprised mostly of independent scientists advising the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found today that DuPont's Teflon chemical, PFOA, is a "likely human carcinogen."

New Tests Find High Levels of Hazardous Chlorination Byproducts in D.C. Tap Water

In spite of the best efforts of the Washington Aqueduct to provide quality tap water to the District of Columbia, tests conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in May of 2007 revealed toxic...