
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1105 - 1128 of 7455

Farm Bill Proposal Increases Subsidies for Big Farmers

The farm bill draft released today by the Senate Agriculture Committee contains the same flawed provisions as the 2012 Senate-passed bill that increase unlimited crop insurance subsidies to the...

AFFIRM Act Cuts Wasteful Insurance Subsidies, Increases Transparency

Reps. Ron Kind (D-Wis.) and Tom Petri (R-Wis.) today introduced the Assisting Family Farmers through Insurance Reform Measures Act (AFFIRM), common sense legislation that will reform the heavily...

GE Wheat on Oregon Farm Raises New Concerns

The unapproved genetically engineered wheat that has turned up on an Oregon farm is yet another reason why consumers need clear labeling of GE foods, Scott Faber, EWG's Senior Vice President of...

Top Grocery Lobby to Reveal Companies Financing Anti-Labeling Campaign

The Grocery Manufacturers Association did the right thing in deciding to disclose which of its member companies are financing the campaign against the genetically engineered (GE) labeling ballot...

EWG Joins California’s Fight To Label Genetically Engineered Food

Californians deserve the right to know whether their food contains genetically engineered ingredients, just as consumers do in 40 other countries around the world, including China.

Industry Proposal Would Bar GE Food Labels

A new legislative proposal drafted by the food industry that would make it impossible for any state to require labeling of genetically engineered food reveals how far some big companies will go to...

West Virginia Chemical Spill Shows Need for Toxics Reform

EWG executive director Heather White assigned much of the blame for the devastating chemical spill in West Virginia to the nation's lax chemical safety laws.

Californians at Risk of Fracking Pollution Because of New Fracking Law

An Alameda County Superior Court judge ruled that a 2013 law put a stop to a lawsuit designed to force the state of California to examine the environmental effects of the highly controversial oil and...

EWG Comments on Ethanol Regulations

Washington, D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to reduce the amount of corn ethanol blended into gasoline is a small step in the right direction, EWG said in comments submitted to...

Energy Policy: Bush's Rush to Drill Yields a Dry Hole

The Bush administration has allowed more oil and gas drilling on Western public lands than any administration in at least 25 years, yet prices for gasoline and natural gas have soared and dependence...

EWG Taps Craig Cox To Head New Midwest Office

Craig Cox, one of the country's preeminent authorities on the environmental impacts of modern agriculture, has been named Midwest Vice President of Environmental Working Group (EWG) and will establish...

In Recession, Big Bucks for Big Farms

Over the next few weeks, some American couples will get $1,200 of their own money back from Washington. This is the maximum, one-time tax rebate Congress provided last February in their desperate...

A Disaster Waiting To Happen…Forever

A bid to establish a dedicated trust fund to compensate farmers and ranchers who suffer weather damage to crops and livestock would direct most of the funds to a handful of states where agricultural...

White House Peddles Fossil Fuels at U.N. Climate Meeting, Despite Looming Closure of Dozens of U.S. Coal Plants

U.S. utilities plan to close 75 coal and nuclear power units in the next three years, according to federal data compiled by the Environmental Working Group. But the Trump administration is telling...

EWG Comments to NEJAC Recommending Measures for Addressing PFAS Contamination Crisis

The Environmental Working Group submitted written comments to the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council with recommendations on the necessary measures for addressing the PFAS contamination...

EWG Letter to CDC Director Calling for His Resignation

Attached is a letter EWG President Ken Cook wrote to Dr. Robert Redfield calling on him to resign as the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

EWG Comments to California OEHHA Supporting Their Decision on Synthetic Food Dyes

EWG submitted comments to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, expressing support for the OEHHA's conclusion that synthetic food dyes may cause or exacerbate...

EPA’s Risk Assessment is Too Flawed to Proceed

EPA's Risk Assessment is Too Flawed to Proceed - Comments from Environmental Working Group on the EPA's Proposed Decision to Register EnlistTM Herbicide Containing 2,4-D and Glyphosate

EWG Comments to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment on Glyphosate Exposure

Below and attached are comments EWG has submitted to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment on the agency’s proposed No Significant Risk Limit for human intake of Monsanto’s...

Comments from EWG on the U.S. FDA's Proposed Amendment of Final Monograph for Sunscreens

EWG's comments to FDA regarding its 2007 draft sunscreen rules.

EWG Comments on the FDA's Draft Assessment of Bisphenol A (BPA)

Comments to the BPA Subcommittee Chair, Office of Science and Health Coordination, Food and Drug Administration on the FDA's draft assessment of Bisphenol A (BPA).

Modernizing BPA Standards in Food to Protect Public Health

Comments to the Science Board of the Food and Drug Administration Jane Houlihan, MSCE, Senior Vice President for Research Sonya Lunder, MPH, Senior Analyst Summary Nine months ago this Science Board...

Protecting Public Health from Phthalates Will Require Consideration of Cumulative Risks

To the National Research Council Committee on the Health Risks of Phthalates Download PDF December 18, 2007 Thank you for the opportunity to present the views of the Environmental Working Group (EWG)...

EWG supports California proposal to get toxics out of children's products

EWG's Renee Sharp testifies to the California state Senate about the need to remove BPA and lead from children's products.