
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1153 - 1176 of 7455

EWG Urges FDA Not to Remove Labeling From Artificially Sweetened Dairy Products

The Environmental Working Group this week (May 21, 2013) submitted comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration urging it to deny an industry petition to change the official definition of milk...

Regulation of New Chemicals, Protection of Confidential Business Information, and Innovation

Heather White testifies before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy on Regulation of New Chemicals, Protection of...

EWG and 11 Other Health,Consumer Groups Call for New Cell Phone Radiation Standards

Citing the soaring number of wireless devices in the hands of children, long-standing flaws in federal cell phone radiation standards and new science raising questions about cell phone safety, 12...

Triclosan-containing antibacterial soaps neither safe nor effective:

Triclosan-containing antibacterial soaps neither safe nor effective: Comments from Environmental Working Group on the Food and Drug Administration proposed data requirements for antibacterial soaps...

Ken Cook Testifies Against Industry's Chemical Bill

Testimony of Kenneth Cook, President of the Environmental Working Group on S. 697 before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Testimony on S.543

EWG strongly opposes legislation designed to cripple the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to carry out its essential functions, including S. 543, the EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of...

Chemical Reform Law Falls Short in Protecting Public Health, Environment

Environmental Working Group issued the following statement ahead of expected passage today by the House on H.R.3576, the TSCA Modernization Act of 2016.

EWG Comments on Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Renewal of Existing Collection

We respectfully submit this letter on behalf of the Environmental Working Group, in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to ask the Office of Management and Budget to renew...

EWG Letter to FDA regarding Melamine

Download this letter in PDF format. May 4, 2007 Dr. David Acheson Assistant Commissioner for Food Protection U.S. Food and Drug Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 Dear Dr...

EWG Offers Detailed Analysis of New Industry-Friendly Toxic Chemicals Control Bill

The Environmental Working Group's legal team has concluded that the Chemical Safety Improvement Act proposed last week (May 21) by Sens. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and David Vitter (R-La.) would...

EWG Urges Drinking Water Standards for Teflon Chemical

By Olga V. Naidenko, PhD EWG Senior Scientist Download this letter[PDF] May 21, 2008 Water Docket (2822T) Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20460 Regarding...

House Farm Bill: A Missed Opportunity for Leadership and Real Reform

Washington, July 27 — House Agriculture Chairman Collin Peterson, Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte, members of their committee, and their staffs, are to be commended for working long and hard to produce...

You Helped Protect the Canyon

Last week, those who support EWG saw some very tangible and important results, as we achieved a major victory in our quest to protect the Grand Canyon from additional uranium mining operations. U.S...

Third TSCA 8(e) Petition - DuPont Suppresses Teflon Blood Study

NOVEMBER 17, 2004 — The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has uncovered evidence that DuPont is suppressing new study results that show significant health risks from their Teflon ingredient PFOA (C8)...

EWG Applauds Farm and Food Worker Protection Funds in Covid-19 Relief Package

EWG applauds the inclusion of funds for Covid-19 protections for farm and food workers in the pandemic relief package congressional leaders agreed to on Sunday. The package, which awaits a final vote...

Information Quality Appeal

EWG appeal requesting correction of FDA seafood advisory entitled "What you need to know about mercury in fish and shellfish: 2004 FDA and EPA advice for women who might become pregnant, women who are...

Statement on Human Testing Before NAS Committee

Statement by Richard Wiles, Environmental Working Group, Before the Committee on Use of Third Party Toxicity Research with Human Participants January 8, 2003 Thank you for the opportunity to appear...

EWG joins allies in promoting smart transportation planning for the 21st century

Download PDF. United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator, The 102 undersigned national, regional and local organizations write to request your support for S. 1036, the Federal...

Update to EWG petition to EPA concerning DuPont's response to EPA's inquiry of possible TSCA Section 8(e) substantial risk reporting violations

NOTE: 12 AUGUST 2004 | DuPont is continuing to make the same excuses to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on their violations of federal law. This analysis by EWG of DuPont's 2003 response to...

Water Utilities Urge Caution on Grand Canyon Uranium Mining

Major water utilities in Nevada, Arizona and California have urged the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to weigh carefully the potential risks of contamination of the Colorado River from...

Science Review Reveals West Va. Agency Policy Contradicted by Fed, Industry Research

A review of federal and industry science on the toxic industrial chemical commonly called C8 (perflouroctanoic acid, used to make Teflon) reveals that water pollution policy by the West Virginia...

Duke Energy CEO: Offshore Wind Potential at Least 10 Years Away

During a second-quarter earnings call on Monday, Duke Energy executives told Wall Street analysts they don't see offshore wind as a viable source of energy for at least another 10 years or more.

Study: Switching to Organic Diet Dramatically Lowers Glyphosate Levels in Adults, Children

If people switch to an all-organic diet, the levels of the most widely used weedkiller in the world swiftly and dramatically plummet in their bodies, according to a new study reported on today by...

EWG Investigation: Manure Overload Threatens Water in Minnesota’s Farm Country

Manure from Minnesota's 23,000 animal feedlots threatens to overload nearby cropland with chemicals that can pollute lakes, streams and aquifers, including drinking water sources, a new Environmental...