
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1537 - 1560 of 7455


The "Farm Crisis" Myth

There's a lot of doom and gloom in the air about the state of the farm economy. As commodity prices continue to fall from the historic highs of the last few years, advocates for the agriculture industry have been claiming that growers will have a hard time making ends meet. The House Agriculture Committee has held hearings to “focus on the farm economy,” inviting witnesses from Big Ag to declare


Off the Books II: More Secret Chemicals

Code names for untested chemicals, secret production amounts reported by unnamed companies, discharges of undisclosed amounts of pollutants – these occurrences are not the fantastical inventions of some Dr. Seuss book. These are realities currently allowed under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act, commonly referred to as TSCA, which became law in 1976.

Food Lobby Spends $101 Million in 2015 to Avert GMO Labeling

Big food and biotechnology companies and trade associations seeking to block labeling of food with genetically modified organisms through a rider in the end-of-the year federal spending bill have reported spending $75.5 million on lobbying from January through September of this year.

An Ill Wind

More than 2.3 million pounds of the acutely toxic pesticide methyl bromide were applied near 455 public schools in California in 1998, according to state records of pesticide use analyzed by the Environmental Working Group. Methyl bromide, a volatile nerve gas, is a Category 1 acute toxin, the most hazardous classification of toxic chemicals, and causes birth defects and brain and nervous system

A Few Bad Apples...

Laboratory tests of apples grown in Washington State and purchased in Seattle supermarkets over the past five months found widespread insecticide contamination. Eight percent of apple samples had unsafe levels of a bug killer abruptly banned for use on apples and other foods in August, 1999 by federal authorities because of nervous system risks to children.


Pollution Pays

An analysis of federal enforcement records shows that large industrial polluters in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania are routinely breaking the law -- and getting away with it. Big water polluters are almost never fined for their violations, and when they are fined, the penalties are often too low to act as a deterrent to future pollution. For many big polluters, breaking clean water laws has

George W. Bush's Anti-Environmental Advisors

Most voters do not know that George W. Bush's policy advisors typically work for corporate front groups working for goals far outside the mainstream environmental perspective.

Reading, Writing and Risk

More than two million California children attend school in portable classrooms that can be a significant source of exposure to airborne toxic chemicals and molds, according to state and federal data analyzed by Environmental Working Group (EWG).


Catching the Limit

Fish from more than 1,660 U.S. waterways are so contaminated with mercury that they should not be eaten or eaten only in limited amounts, according to federal health warnings analyzed by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Children and mothers-to-be are at highest risk, not only from fresh fish but from mercury contamination of canned tuna and other foods.

Clearing The Air

Although farming contributes little to the problem of airborne toxic particles, farmers suddenly find themselves in the middle of a heated battle over an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposal to improve air quality by reducing emissions from electric utilities, chemical plants and oil companies.


100,000 California Kids Breathe Unhealthy Air at School

Approximately 109,000 children in California breathe unhealthy air at school, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) computer analysis. These children attend one of the 147 schools in the state located in areas where monitored air pollution levels exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposed new standards for microscopic toxic airborne particles.

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Consumer Guides

We built our consumer guides to help you learn about the hidden health dangers in your food, water and everyday products to make better decisions.

Areas of Focus

We’re dedicated to keeping our environment safe and loved ones healthy. And we’re proud to share the work we do with you.

News & Insights

Our team of experts provide breakthrough research and analysis on issues that affect human health. Connect with EWG experts to get the latest insights.

Chemicals and contaminants linked to cancer can be found in food, water and many other everyday products. However, no category of consumer products is subject to less government oversight than cosmetics and other personal care products.

Serving Size and Frequency Guidelines

Food serving size and frequency guidelines

Annual Audits for EWG


EWG's Guide to Healthy Childcare

Seal or remove arsenic-treated wood decks & play structures. Those built before 2003 likely contain arsenic. Don't allow children to eat at older picnic tables (or cover them with a cloth). Have kids wash hands after playing near these surfaces, or avoid them altogether.

Eddie's healthy pet tips

Founded by Eddie – just another dog on a mission – and in conjuction with research by Environmental Working Group, Pets is out to create a healthy environment for pets and people.

Preventing Cancer: Nine Practical Tips for Consumers

Four of every 10 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes, and two of every 10 will die of it. But there are some things you can do to reduce the risk. First, talk to your doctor about lifestyle changes that are known to make a difference – stopping smoking, reducing drinking, losing weight, exercising and eating right.

Decoding Meat and Dairy Product Labels

Most animals raised for meat, milk and eggs are on industrial farms that contaminate our air, soil and water. These farms rely heavily on antibiotics and other synthetic treatments to boost outputs, and combat diseases caused by stressful, crowded and unsanitary conditions. Weak bacteria are killed, leaving behind the most resilient and hard to kill — so-called “superbugs.” These bacteria are


K-Beauty Trends: Serums, Essences and EWG’s Best Bets

Like K-Pop music and spicy fried chicken, skin care and beauty products from Korea are flooding the American market. U.S. sales of K-beauty products, as they're called, have increased by almost 300 percent in the past two years alone.

UPDATE: Exposing Fields of Filth

In the past eight years, three predominantly Black, Native American and Latino counties in North Carolina – already home to most of the state's industrial hog operations – added 30 million chickens and turkeys, according to a new geospatial analysis by the Environmental Working Group and Waterkeeper Alliance.

In California, Latinos More Likely To Be Drinking Nitrate-Polluted Water

In California's San Joaquin Valley, the nation's leading agricultural region, Latinos make up the great majority of farmworkers.

EWG’s Healthy Living: Guide to Safer Diapers

Babies and young children typically spend the majority of their first years in diapers. But many disposable diapers contain hazardous chemicals that can harm their health. Scientific assessments of disposable diapers have detected pesticides and chemicals linked to cancer, impaired reproductive development and dermatitis, among other harms.

Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer Taints Drinking Water for Millions of Americans

Seasonal spikes of atrazine, a weed killer that disrupts hormones and harms the developing fetus, contaminate the drinking water of millions of Americans at potentially hazardous levels as run-off from corn-growing areas finds its way into source waters and reservoirs.