
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1609 - 1632 of 7455

Chromium-6 in Gas Drilling Wastes?

The boom in natural gas drilling across the United States has spawned well-warranted fears that the fluids and chemicals used to free the gas from surrounding rock could pose a risk to drinking water...

Dr. Oz Talks Toxics in Our Drinking Water

In February, our friend Dr. Oz dedicated an entire show to the safety of the nation's drinking water. On the air, he revealed the results of the 'Dr. Oz National Tap Water Test' - a hands-on water...

Senate Hearing Focuses on EWG's Chromium-6 Study

Environmental Working Group's recent national study that detected widespread drinking water contamination by carcinogenic chromium-6 was the subject of intense discussion this morning at a well...

Under new law, USDA changes school lunch

In mid-December, as millions of American school children were eagerly anticipating their holiday break of sleeping late and no homework, President Obama signed into law the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids...

Fracking Leases May Lower Property Values, Default Mortgages

Hydraulic fracturing to extract oil and gas may enrich drillers - but at a prohibitive cost for some landowners near wells.

Smart energy policy should conserve scarce clean water

Guaranteeing a clean and ample supply of water should be at the core of our energy policy. Sometimes Washington seems to have forgotten that. But a recent survey shows that the American people have...

Join the Fight to Provide Healthy Food for Struggling Families

For those of us lucky enough to sit down every day to healthy, nutritious meals, it's easy to forget that millions of American families in the grip of the recession are struggling to put food on the...

"Environmental Working Group (EWG) to the rescue."

As we change gears from the Hall of Shame and begin to focus on the upcoming annual EWG Sunscreen Database, EWG research was mentioned in a number of consumer health stories. The Washington Post ran a...

We've Been Slimed

Last month, the New York Times published a story about my efforts when I was pregnant to rid my home of toxic chemicals. The story featured a photo of my 18-month-old daughter and recounted how I...

Please don't disrupt my endocrines!

Unless you've been living under a rock these past few years, or purposefully avoiding the newspaper, you've likely heard the term ' endocrine disruptor.' And it has a serious ring to it, doesn't it...

Fire up yer ovens, people, it's a recipe contest

While it might seem surprising that Enviroblog is touting a recipe contest, it really makes quite a lot of sense. Because...we read a lot of blogs where people inevitably post recipes and photos of...

Been a long time leaving*

For the first EWG project I worked on, our data was collected by a guy who "borrowed" the equipment and hauled it up and down Highway 101 in the trunk of his car, where he was living at the time. I...

Getting the kids to school: Step away from the car, mom

In a city where boxbikes and xtracycles (photo, right) are becoming the norm, it's hard to admit that we drive our kids to and from school every day - alone. Especially when there are so many...

To swim or not to swim: childhood asthma and indoor swimming pools

Over the last few decades, enthusiasm for indoor swimming has been on the rise, as aquatic swim programs for babies and toddlers grew in popularity and swimming has become mandatory in many school...

Gambling with lethal cargo

Sandra Schubert is the Environmental Working Group's Director of Government Affairs There were 1,203 train accidents in the first six months of 2008, and 13 of them resulted in the release of...

How green is Arnold? [UPDATED]

[UPDATE} Monday aternoon, Gov. Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill discussed below. This year only one chemical ban bill made it through the California Legislature to Gov. Schwarzenegger's desk: Senate...

Don’t ask, don’t tell at the EPA

The chemical industry, public health-oriented scientists and environmentalists may be on the same page a couple of times a century. In a good century. Those who attended yesterday's House subcommittee...

Protecting our society from toxic chemicals: Why is common sense so uncommon?

Anyone who has ever sewn a curtain or a Christmas stocking knows this simple rule: “Don’t cut too close to the margin.” Otherwise, a small mistake, a tiny miscalculation, and the entire task is...

Your body. My body. The Body Toxic.

Like many parents of young children, I don't read books cover-to-cover much anymore. So it was with great pleasure that I read even the appendices in Nena Baker's new book, The Body Toxic: How the...

Fire retardants: Disproportionate risk to small children

We tested 20 mothers and their toddlers for toxic fire retardants and found that the small children typically had three times as much of these hormone-disrupting chemicals in their blood as their...

Adios, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen. . .

Hey loyal Enviroblog readers, This is my last week at EWG. I'll be around all week, and after that I'm leaving the blog in very capable hands, so don't you worry -- you'll still get quality...

Lead: Celebrate its ban, but don't cross it off your list

Like many parents, I spent a lot of last year feeling outraged by the (literally) 45 million toy recalls, especially the lead paint. It seemed like every day I read about another contaminated...

Shady industry campaign kills CA ban on BPA in baby bottles

SACRAMENTO – Bowing to a deceptive, no-holds-barred campaign by the chemical industry, the California State Assembly has failed to approve a bill that would have made the state the first in the...

Back to school: Are we ready? Are we non-toxic?

Just yesterday the letter came from our new school. Excitement turned to panic as I read the list of required items to bring on the 1st day. The many purchases we must make between today and the first...