
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1681 - 1704 of 7455

Mercury in light bulbs

I am a careful shopper. Very careful. Unlike most Americans, I read labels -- even the fine print on my shampoo that says what type of preservative they are using. Heck, it's what I do for a living...

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel does bang-up job on BPA

Our hats are off to the top-notch reporters at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel who have invested time, energy and considerable expertise to daylight important pieces of the puzzle that is bisphenol-A...

Santa, please bring me toxin-free fragrance

My world has changed much since I arrived at EWG in 2006. Unlike most of the other staff members, I don't have a background in science. I studied journalism and public relations. To be honest, most of...

Warning: this pesticide may be toxic to children and fish

This fall, EPA approved re-registration of antibacterial soap ingredient triclosan for yet another five years of use in consumer products, potentially leaving human and environmental health at great...

Green Moms Carnival Says: Prevent It, Already!

Every month a few of this country's impressive green mom bloggers identify a single topic to write about, each on their own blogs but (thankfully) posted all in one place as the Green Moms Carnival...

FDA Fish Folly

The following is a guest post from EWG Senior Analyst Sonya Lunder. Ah, December. Season of holiday lights, office parties and weekly announcements of Bush Administration actions to weaken health...

New Canadian legislation reveals toxic chemicals in neighborhoods

Once again, our neighbor Canada is leading the way in the fight to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals. Toronto has become the first city in Canada to require businesses to disclose the toxic chemicals...

In search of safe plastics

Following the inspiring example of Enviroblog’s Lisa Frack and her journey into post-plastic world, I started to wonder: what other convenient and ubiquitous uses of plastic in our lives act as a...

I survived. I'm changed. No, really.

In case you didn't catch my post last week on our plastic free week, it's over. I did it! Well, truth be told, I almost did it. Which is definitely better than not doing it at all because I am changed...

White House going-out-of-business sale

Whoever takes over the White House is sure to do more for the environment than the current occupants. Well, it would be hard do less. In fact, doing nothing would be better than the administration’s...

Whither plastics and whither humanity?

By Nneka Leiba, MPH and Olga Naidenko, PhD No corner of the planet, however remote, is now free from synthetic chemical contaminants. Especially plastic. Big. Small. In every color. In every shape...

Rocket Baby: A funny take on a serious matter

It's Friday, folks! So we thought we'd lighten up a little (yes, it's possible). Especially since we came across this video spoof that sends an important message, but made us laugh, too.

Flame retardants pose health risks to recyclers

Electronic recycling facility workers face 6-33 times higher exposure to toxic flame retardants PBDEs than the general American population, reported scientists from the University of Texas in an...

On rocket fuel in infant formula

You don't need to be a parent to know that moms and dads have a lot to worry about--anything from their kids' healthy growth and development to the friends they choose and those math homework...

Lawless Drilling Boom

Oil and gas drillers in the American West are exempt from most environmental safeguards. You could imagine that companies engaging in hydraulic fracturing, the process by which highly toxic chemical...

PFOA: Science update

In a very short period of time - less than a century - chemical pollution has become a new, undeniable and inescapable fact of life for humans and ecosystems on our planet.

Chat with the experts about toxics in kids' bath products

If you've read the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics' new report on toxics in kids' bath products and are interested in learning more, we've got good news!

UNEP report highlights food crisis

Not enough bad news in last few days? Read on. A recent report by the United Nations Environment Program(UNEP) predicts that food production worldwide may fall 25 percent by 2050. At the same time...

Lead in Lipstick: More enduring than love?

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, there's a lot of puckering up to be done. But if you're not into lead poisoning, we recommend that you go natural. That's right, ditch the lipstick...

On silky hair and toxic humans

If you are exposed to the sun, wind, chemical treatments, heat from blow dryers, chances are, you have dry hair. And if you are like me, you can write a book about the steps you have taken trying to...

Mercury in your medicine cabinet?

Mercury was on my mind a lot last December, but imagine my surprise to find out it was also in my medicine cabinet!

Hexavalent Chromium: 11 Answers for Water Drinkers

By Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist When you see news reports about a cancer-causing chemical in drinking water

Your New Phone: Extra Radiation or Extra Features?

Most of us want the latest and smartest phones - but not at the price of high cell phone radiation. This season's good news: a batch of smart-smart phones: lower-radiation choices with plenty of...