
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1729 - 1752 of 7455

The keystroke is mightier than the sword

I know, I know. If you're reading Enviroblog, there's a pretty good chance you already care about the environment. But not everyone does, and this newfangled citizen media stuff just might be a good...

'If you love your child, move'

Where's the worst air in America? Los Angeles, with its freeways gridlocked with smog-spewing cars? Houston, where petrochemical plants pump out their poisons 24 hours a day?

LA water company takes 5 minutes for fluoride

On Aug. 20, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which supplies drinking water to Los Angeles, San Diego and four other counties, will be briefed on the health risks of water...

Beach closings at all-time high in 2006

Last summer I lived just a mile from a beach -- a real beach, with an ocean and everything. Having grown up several hundred miles from the Atlantic in a town where the only "beach" was a long patch of...

Outside The Box: Head for the hills!

Ecosystems are fragile like a house of cards: add the wrong component in the wrong place and it can come tumbling down. Worlds are at war as this week's OTB resembles a third rate science fiction...

Need health insurance? Here's an idea...

Science has been demonstrating recently that there are links between increasing rates of chronic diseases in the US and environmental exposures. If you are lucky, you have health insurance that will...

Saturday Morning Multimedia: EWG on TreeHugger Radio

This week's edition of TreeHugger Radio featured an interview with EWG Analyst Kristan Markey, who discussed our report on sunscreen safety and efficacy. You can listen to the episode or go to...

The Onion on pollutants in people

Oh, The Onion. From an article titled EPA Warns Human Beings No Longer Biodegradable

When Less is More

I often complain about lax chemical regulations. And, I am definitely guilty of saying “imports are poisoning people in America.” But what about the people that make those imports? Few of us ever...

Lead in Lipstick?

To be honest, before I started working for EWG, I really didn’t think much of the makeup that I put on my face every day. I believed that the products were safe because I was able to buy them in...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Fishy fishy. . .

What with the recent confusion over safe fish consumption, you may be in the mood for some clean fish. Head on over to Blogfish for a hot tip on where to find it. It turns out that the streets are...

The unknown toothpaste hero

Until today’s article in New York Times, the name Eduardo Arias meant nothing to me. However, Eduardo is responsible for worldwide awareness of the presence of diethylene glycol in toothpaste. Mr...

This just in: House passes diacetyl exposure regulations

In case you miss it in the comments below: The House just passed the Popcorn Workers Lung Disease Prevention Act, 260-154. The legislation will help to minimize the exposure of factory workers to the...

Bisphenol A in your body: How it got there and how to minimize your exposure

The common plastic additive bisphenol A has been getting a lot of press lately. It's a hormone disruptor that can be found in almost everybody, and animal studies have linked it to breast and prostate...

Phased out pesticide still depletes the ozone layer

Methyl bromide, an organic halogen compound, is a dangerous pesticide used as a soil sterilant, and as general purpose fumigant that kills rats, insects and a variety of pests. It is also one of the...

SMM: Green Gamer

If everyone on the planet lived like you, how many Earths would we need? That's the premise of a clever new game called Consumer Consequences launched by American Public Media. Here's the basic...

True Green Confessions

Forgive us Kermit, for we have sinned. Sometimes being responsible for the environmental impacts of our choices is like being on a diet. You splurge one night and have dessert, but then the next day...

7 ways to reduce your exposure to PBDE flame retardants

PBDEs are everywhere, and there's some evidence connecting them to brain and developmental problems in animals, and possibly even cancer. Exposure to flame retardant chemicals is ubiquitous, but there...

Envirohealth News: Rogue Algae!

Your environmental health news crib sheet. With increased industry has come increased nitrogen and phosphorus in Chinese waterways, and the result is rogue algae. Chemicals dumped in landfills near...

SMM: Greensumption and the Triple Crisis

There's a teach-in here in DC this weekend on the triple crisis of climate change, peak oil, and resource depletion. Jovana is planning on attending, so hopefully we'll get to hear all about it on...

CPSC: Last person out the door, hit the lights

What’s been happening over at the ol’ Consumer Product Safety Commission ( CPSC) since the Giants beat the Patriots in last Sunday’s Superbowl? Not much. On Monday, the CSPC lost virtually all...

EWG applauds CPSC's move toward safer furniture

After a decade delay, CPSC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking last Friday that would set new fire retardant standards for home furniture. In a rare victory for public health the rules would...

Sky-high lead levels in Galveston, TX

In Galveston, Texas, as many as one in five children have blood lead levels elevated enough to cause learning disabilities. One in five. Can you even imagine? But to date, not a single thing has been...

EWG serves up Mixed Greens

Okay people, get excited: EWG has a brand new podcast. Mixed Greens is your environmental health news update, featuring inside info from our staff of scientists and researchers and hosted by yours...