
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1897 - 1920 of 7455

State by State EQIP Conservation Cuts

Congress's proposed "increase" in Environmental Quality Incentives Program funding is really a cut of $285 million from what was promised in the 2008 farm bill. Without proper conservation funding...

Take our BPA quiz, then pick up the phone...

It's almost the end of the school year - perfect time for a little pop quiz to see if you've been paying attention!

Democrats' Bitter Harvest

House Democrats' devastating losses in Tuesday's mid-term election swept away a number of members from hotly contested rural districts whose full-throated support for keeping the taxpayer-funded farm...

Farm Income Data Debunks Subsidy Myths

Environmental Working Group's updated Farm Subsidy Database, released May 5, chronicles where federal farm subsidy dollars have gone from 1995 through 2009, revealing the true impact of farm programs...

EWG Donor Exclusive

EWG couldn't do all of our great work without your support. As a small show of appreciation, we're sharing with you this special recipe and photo album from our San Francisco Earth Dinner.

EPA Must Abide by the Law and Assess the Full Climate Impacts of Biofuels

Letter sent by a coalition of environmental groups, including EWG, to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson urging that EPA not delay or significantly constrain consideration of indirect land use in the RFS...

NIH Cracks Down on Scientists' Conflicts of Interest

As of March 7, 2005, National Institute of Health (NIH) employees are no longer allowed to accept consulting fees and stock options from pharmaceutical companies. A group of scientists have formed an...

Reject Farm Bill Bait and Switch

Here's the bottom line: Both farm bills proposed this week (May 13) by the House and Senate Agriculture committees would cut funding for the hungry and the environment to help boost subsidies for the...

Where is the Scrutiny of Crop Insurance Fraud?

Minnesota Congressman Colin Peterson (D-Minn.) struck a nerve this month when he said that “there is five times as much fraud” in the federal crop insurance program as there is the Supplemental...

Lawmakers Could Look to Farm Bill for $100 Billion in Additional Budget Savings

EWG's Scott Faber joined representatives of several fiscally conservative organizations in calling on Congress not to slip a full farm bill reauthorization into any legislative package they cobble...

Crop Insurance: Bad for Taxpayers, Bad for the Environment

Unlimited crop insurance subsidies lead growers to make planting decisions that are bad for the environment, two of the nation's most respected agricultural economists conclude in a newly published...

The Audacity of Scope

Late Wednesday night, July 11, the House Agriculture Committee added an amendment by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) to the farm bill that would severely limit states' authority to regulate conditions or...

Insurance for Corn, Not Kids?

On the same day that the House will vote to end health insurance subsidies for low income Americans, the House Agriculture Committee will vote to increase crop insurance subsidies for the largest and...


The farm bill proposed yesterday by House Agriculture Committee leaders would cut funds for nutrition programs and the environment to help finance new price and revenue guarantees and increase...

Crop Insurance Subsidy Double Speak

When the government allows oil and gas companies to avoid paying taxes, lawmakers call it a “subsidy.” But when the government pays 62 percent of the cost of obtaining crop insurance, it's called a...

Subsidy Buffet for Agribiz, Table Scraps for Good Food

The farm bill draft released by the Senate Agriculture Committee last week (April 20) falls far short of providing farm and food policies Americans want. In a national poll last year, 78 percent said...

Local Food and The Farm Bill: Small Investments, Big Returns

For too long, funding provided by the United States' most far-reaching food and farm legislation has primarily benefited agri-business and large scale industrial-scale commodity farms that aren't...

Farm Subsidy Research and Analysis

Since 1995 U.S. taxpayers have sent $194 billion in subsidies to farmers including $5 billion per year in fixed direct payments paid regardless of need or crop price. Below is a list of recent EWG...

FRAC Act Re-introduced to Senate

Amid widespread fears that the boom in “fracking” for natural gas poses a growing array of environmental threats, some members of Congress are making a new effort to reverse a 2005 law that exempted...

The Flip-flopper’s Guide to “Fiscal Conservatism”

Under the best-case scenarios, crop insurance alone is expected to cost taxpayers $9 billion over the next 10 years. So who are the 48 Republicans who voted for this lavish taxpayer funded giveaway?

Worst. Farm Bill. Ever

Farm income has never been higher. The federal deficit has never been deeper. So why are House Republicans celebrating passage of a “farm-only” farm bill that includes the most generous farm subsidies...

Fight Back Against Dirty Energy’s PR Machine

The energy industry spends millions of dollars on lobbying and public relations to fend off pressure for necessary changes to their core businesses. The way to fight back is for local groups...

New “Chemical Safety” Bill Would Put People at Greater Risk

There's a growing consensus – except in the chemical industry and among its lobbyists and allies in Congress – that when it comes to protecting people and the environment from dangerous chemicals, the...

12 Chemical Facilities Putting the Most Americans at Risk

There are more than 12,000 chemical plants that put Americans at risk with large amounts of chemicals, and 89 of those endanger more than 1 million people. Unfortunately, those most at risk in the...