
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1921 - 1944 of 7455

Honor the Conservation Compact

Some commitments should be honored. In exchange for farm subsidies, farmers have for decades committed to adopt land management practices that reduce the runoff from their fields – a provision of the...

City Slickers Continue To Rake In Farm Payments

Remember the last time you were smack in the middle of downtown Chicago or walking down a bustling street of Manhattan?

EWG to FDA: Current Sunscreen Regulations Aren’t Enough

Environmental Working Group is asking the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to finish the job of issuing comprehensive and enforceable regulations to ensure that sunscreens on the U.S. market are...

Fincher’s Reform Charade Continues

At some point Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) might just want to stop talking about the farm bill and his support for ending the direct payment program (which doesn't actually end for cotton farmers...

Real Chemical Reform Must Ban Asbestos

What you can't see can be deadly: virtually invisible, yet absolutely lethal asbestos fibers lead to environmental and occupational diseases that claim the lives of 30 Americans every day.

Major Corporations Take Key Steps to Put Consumer Health First

Yesterday marked a major victory for American consumers as mega-retailer Walmart announced a Sustainable Chemistry initiative that takes an important step toward protecting the health and wellness its...

Lawmakers “Representing” Most of the Hungriest Counties Voted to Cut SNAP

If you live in one of America's 100 hungriest counties, there is a one-in-three chance that you rely on food stamps. There is also a pretty good chance that your member of Congress just voted to kick...

Urge Obama, EPA to Develop Strong Safety plans for Chemical Plants

There are safe, affordable alternatives to the dangerous chemicals like the ones used in the Texas fertilizer plant that exploded in April. But instead of making the switch, the chemical industry has...

Not Feeding the Hungry while Misusing Scripture

Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) is no longer the only member of Congress who's publicly quoting the Bible to justify his votes to cut food stamps for the poor while increasing farm subsidies for the...

Farm Bill Expiration Jeopardizes Key Programs

Even if the government miraculously opens for business tomorrow, several critically important USDA conservation and nutrition programs will be shuttered.

Obama Faces Key Decisions About Ethanol

President-elect Obama's support for biofuels faces a few early tests, including a decision on whether to provide more aid to the corn ethanol industry, which critics say already gets too big a piece...

S. Dakota’s energy boom: Is it too much too soon?

Mitchell Daily Republic, Austin Kaus Excerpts: But some people have concerns about the state's rapid progress of energy development.

Pollution Credits Are Hot Issue in Climate Bill

Des Moines Register, Phil Brasher Excerpt: A bill passed by the House last month would set caps on greenhouse gases and require polluters to have permits for their emissions.

Ethanol’s Federal Subsidy Grab Leaves Little For Solar, Wind And Geothermal Energy

As Congress and the incoming Obama administration plan the nation's next major investments in green energy, they need to take a hard, clear-eyed look at Department of Energy data documenting corn...

House Farm Bill: A Missed Opportunity for Leadership and Real Reform

On balance, this House farm bill will be remembered as a missed opportunity for reform of federal farm policies that are broken at their core. It also represents a failure of House leadership to serve...

America's Food-to-Fuel Gamble

When the Bush administration and Congress required gasoline refiners to blend in 15 billion gallons of corn-based ethanol by 2015, they made the impossibly rosy assumption that American farmers would...

Short Crop

Black farmers receive between one-third to one-sixth of the benefits under major federal crop subsidy programs that other farmers receive, and the “subsidy gap” has widened over the past decade.

Dead in the Water

For over 20 years, scientists have documented the appearance of a summertime "Dead Zone" that all but obliterates marine life in what is arguably the nation's most important fishery, the Gulf of...

Farm Subsidy Direct Payment Analysis

For decades, the farm subsidy lobby has claimed that if the producers it represents could earn their living in the marketplace, support provided by taxpayers through periodic "farm bills" could be...

Cover Crops Shouldn’t Force Coverage Loss

One of the better tools that conventional row crop farmers can use to increase the environmental health of their land is to plant “cover crops” of legumes and grasses. These help control erosion...

Ask EWG: What is "fragrance"?

Question: Is it true that the cosmetics industry can put any chemical into a product's "fragrance" without showing it on the ingredients list? What do they put in there? Answer: It's true. When you...

You just lost an excuse to buy bottled water

You're at the airport. You remembered your refillable water bottle and got it through security by draining its contents in the security line (can't take 'em through full).

Coming soon: EWG's Skin Deep mobile app

You asked for it, and we're building it: a mobile shopping app for EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database.

Will Black Farmers Finally See Justice?

Today (Feb 15th) may be the President's Day holiday, but for the president of the National Black Farmer's Association (NBFA) it's the culmination of a remarkable push to bring justice to thousands of...