
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1945 - 1968 of 7455

Support for Climate Bill Could Fray

The Hill, Jim Snyder Excerpt: An environmental group is mounting a fresh assault on the climate change legislation that squeaked through the House and faces an uncertain future in the Senate, raising...

The Trouble With Farm Offsets

The New Republic, Bradford Plumer Excerpt: The Environmental Working Group recently analyzed the House climate bill and noted that the legislation allows farmers to earn credits under the cap-and...

EWG and Allies Urge Congress Not to Weaken Requirements for Renewable Biofuels

Including indirect land-use change emissions in the life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gases from biofuels is critical to protecting forests and native ecosystems from the consequences of increased...

Loopholes in Climate Bill “Offset” Provisions

The agriculture provisions of the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) open two loopholes that threaten to let coal-fired power plants and other big climate polluters off the hook and slow...

A Disaster Waiting to Happen

The concentrated, predictable, repetitive nature of agricultural disaster aid among a few states with perennially poor growing conditions raises the question of whether the time has come for states to...

The Unintended Environmental Impacts of the Renewable Fuels Standard

U.S. farmers are planting fence-row-to-fence-row to produce enough corn to supply ethanol plants and at the same time meet burgeoning demand for food and feed crops. The intensification of corn...

Bonus Subsidy

A new EWG analysis identifies more than 1.2 million prospective recipients of a proposed $1.5 billion crop subsidy bonus contained in HR 4939, The Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense...

After Two Decades of Agricultural Disaster Aid A Chronic Dependency Takes Root

This year millions of dollars of emergency agricultural disaster aid will go to the very same farmers and ranchers who have collected it every other year, or more frequently, for decades.

Cotton and Accountability

What if the United States does not comply with the WTO's broad rulings and fails to reform its multi-billion dollar cotton subsidy programs to Brazil's satisfaction? What retaliatory trade measures...

Nitrate Contamination of Drinking Water

An Environmental Working Group review of nearly 200,000 water sampling records found that over two million people -- including approximately 15,000 infants under the age of four months -- drank water...

Taking From the Taxpayers

The Bush administration is paying some of the biggest and richest agribusinesses in America $17 million for cutbacks in their taxpayer-subsidized water supply. But an EWG investigation found that...

Soaking Uncle Sam

Courtesy of U.S. taxpayers, a few hundred California farms in Fresno and Kings counties annually get enough water to supply every household in Los Angeles, at pennies on the dollar of the price paid...

Senators Push for Action on Disease Clusters Bill

Two years ago, Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) introduced the Strengthening Protections for Children and...

Do you filter your tapwater? Should you?

When people ask what kind of water filter to use for their tapwater, we reply, "It depends on what contaminants are present in your tap water, since different filters are effective at removing...

Is Your Cell Phone Being Recycled Responsibly?

As reported by Knight Ridder, a recent survey of leading U.S. wireless carriers (Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and Cingular) found these companies have cell phone recycling programs that are ineffectual...

House Threatens Food Safety Standards

No point rewriting Marian Burros' lead from Wednesday's New York Times: "The House is expected to vote Thursday on a bill that would pre-empt all state food safety regulations that are more stringent...

Pombo Operatives in Interior Department

The Hill reports that two staffers who work for the Department of Interior have spent almost three years pushing Rep. Richard Pombo's agenda, including controversial provisions for off shore drilling...

Let's Talk About Fuel

Whether or not you agree with the Bush Administration on energy policy, one thing is clear: when a President brings up the need to become energy independent in a State of the Union address, public...

Does 3M Run Minnesota Health Agency?

A legislative hearing last week revealed that 3M managers called the shots during a meeting at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). When state scientists laid out plans to study Scotchgard...

Green Hospitals

Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Corvallis, Ore., is leading the way in getting toxics out of hospital cleaning products – and finding, through the hospital's infection control department's...

EPA Goes Cuckoo for Cocoa Powder Puffs

There's no improving the headline of this Monday article from the Corvallis Gazette-Times in Oregon, or their lead: "Those who wondered where the EPA under the Bush administration draws the line on...

Avoiding Organic Milk Pitfalls

This New York Times article brings the tips on what to watch out for when buying organic milk. For example, while organic means that the cows weren't fed synthetic growth hormones, antibiotics or...

Toxic Nation: Canadian BodyBurden

Environmental Defence Canada has released "Toxic Nation" the first Canadian BodyBurden study, with 11 participants tested for 88 chemicals, including PCBs, fire retardants, PFOS (a chemical in the...

Pollution Costs Montana in Kids' Health Care

The University of Montana has put out its annual Kids Count report for 2005, addressing child mortality, uninsurance rates, economic status and, for the first time, health care costs from...