
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1993 - 2016 of 7455

What to Look for When Buying a Crib Mattress

When Dr. Brandon E. Boor and his colleagues tested 20 new and used crib mattresses purchased in 2011 or earlier, they detected two classes of chemicals associated with endocrine disruption and harm to...

Leading Food Companies Support Mandatory GMO Disclosure

Campbell's, Coca-Cola and Unilever are among the food companies supporting full disclosure of genetically modified organisms in food, an EWG analysis shows.

In a First, Calif. Bill Would Address Salon Worker Exposures To Toxic Chemicals in Beauty Products

Hairdressers, nail technicians and other beauty salon workers face some of the greatest occupational exposures to toxic chemicals. A bill moving through the California Legislature would be the first...

Cell Phones in Schools? France Says No, San Francisco Educators Urge Caution

As the school year begins, the movement to exercise caution in students' use of cell phones and other wireless devices is gaining international momentum.

The Farm Bill: Safety Net for Family Farmers or Bailout for Billionaires?

Will the next federal farm bill reopen the loopholes that once allowed millionaires and billionaires – stockbroker Charles Schwab, Microsoft founder Paul Allen, banking tycoon David Rockefeller, Sr...

California Moving to Boost Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs for At-Risk Kids

An estimated 60 percent to three fourths of lower income children in California don't get the lead poisoning tests required by state and federal law. In response, state lawmakers are taking steps to...

Efficiency: The Low-Profile Core of a Smart Energy Policy

Solar panels and wind turbines get the headlines, but efficiency – designing appliances, electronics, cars and buildings to use less energy – is also an important part of the story of the clean energy...

Trump’s War on Children’s Health Escalates at Wheeler’s EPA

Under President Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency has repeatedly betrayed its responsibility to safeguard the health of children. But in recent weeks, the hostile actions of the president and...

EPA Ignores the Science, Dismisses the Risks to Children’s Health From Syngenta’s Atrazine

In a move that echoes pesticide industry wishes, the Environmental Protection Agency chose to ignore recent science and human health studies on atrazine, a weed-killer that turns male frogs into...

Cities Oppose House Scheme To Block Local Pesticide Controls

Cities across the nation are fighting a provision in the House of Representatives' version of the federal farm bill that would block cities, counties and school districts from restricting the use of...

Ask EWG: Is There a Safer Way to Make Slime?

If you have a child between the ages of 6 and 12, chances are you've been subjected to the homespun chemistry experiment that is slime: a combination of ordinary school glue, baking soda and borax – a...

Breathe Easy: Healthier Indoor Air in Cold Weather, Part 1

In much of the country, winter means you can't let fresh air into your house. But without it, the quality of the air inside your home goes down.

The 2018 Farm Bill Is a Big Win for Organic Farming

The nation's organic food sector is far too dependent on imports to meet the growing demand for organic here at home. Although organic food accounts for more than 5 percent of total U.S. food sales...

Trump’s GMO Rule Will Test Food Industry’s Commitment to Transparency

By failing to require full disclosure of genetically modified ingredients in food, the Trump administration has forced food companies to decide whether they're truly committed to being transparent...

Study: Phaseout of Teflon Chemical Has Likely Averted Thousands of Low-Weight Births and Saved Billions in Health Care Costs

The phaseout of a hazardous chemical formerly used to make Teflon has likely prevented thousands of low-weight births in the U.S. each year, saving billions of dollars in health care costs, says a new...

Will Trump’s EPA Protect Americans from Toxic PFAS Chemicals?

The toxic chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a national crisis demanding action.

Don’t Want to Eat Pruitt’s Pesticide? Here’s What to Avoid

Last week Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt stuck to his long-standing practice of ignoring science, disregarding data that shows the pesticide chlorpyrifos could harm kids'...

For Consumers, Being Clean Is as Important as Coming Clean

More than ever, Americans want to know everything about our food, cosmetics, cleaners and other everyday products we bring into our homes.

EWG’s News Roundup (1/12): Radioactive Tap Water, Iowa’s Farm Runoff and 12 Months of Trump

EWG News Roundup (1/12): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG’s News Roundup (12/8): Farm Subsidies for Lawmakers, Coal’s Fingerprints on Bailout Plot Exposed and More

EWG's News Roundup (12/8): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.