
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2041 - 2064 of 7455

GMO Labeling Will Not Increase Food Prices

Tomorrow morning, the House Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on the impact of GMO labeling on food prices.

Top 5 Reasons to Oppose the DARK Act

Americans overwhelmingly want the right to know whether the food they are purchasing has been made with genetically modified ingredients, a right that consumers in 64 other countries already have.

Preschoolers Face-to-Face with Asbestos

My four-year-old son Jack likes to play on the floor.

America’s Corn Boom is Running Dry

Corn is in the food we eat, the soda we drink, the gas we buy, plastics, cleaners – it's everywhere. Producing all that corn is a $1.7 trillion industry in the United States, and as a new report...

Where’s the chicken?

If every American simply switched from beef to chicken, we could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 137 million metric tons of carbon — or as much as taking 26 million cars off the road. That's...

Colorado Court Allows Ballot Initiatives On Fracking

The Colorado Supreme Court has cleared the way for ballot initiatives that would permit municipalities to ban hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas.

Congress Moves Closer to Improving Sunscreens Available to Americans

Congress moved a step closer to improving the sunscreens available to American consumers this week (July 28) when the House of Representatives passed the Sunscreen Innovation Act.

Is fragile land near you disappearing?

With interactive maps from EWG's new report Going Going Gone!, you can find the “hot spots” where wetlands and other fragile lands are being torn up for crops and wildlife habitat is being destroyed.

Corn Growers: Stuck in the Sandbox

When there's trouble in the sandbox, kids are likely to point at each other and say, “He did it.” As we get older, most of us mature to the point where we're able to accept responsibility for the...

Huge Taxpayer Investment in Ethanol Yields Paltry Payoff

Between 2005 and 2009, U.S. taxpayers spent a whopping $17 billion to subsidize corn ethanol blends in gasoline. What did they get in return? A reduction in overall oil consumption equal to an...

Top 10 Reasons Why Congress Should Say NO to the Ethanol Tax Credit

Rumors are flying that the lame duck Congress will attach an extension of the so-called ethanol “blender's tax credit” to a bill to extend the Bush-era income tax cuts as part of a broader deal. Here...

California Moves Closer to Passing Nation’s First Fire Retardant Labeling Law

Thanks to the hard work of many advocacy organizations, including EWG, that lack of transparency may change very soon. California will likely become the first state in the nation to pass legislation...

We Need Safe Cosmetics Reform Now!

We need safe cosmetics reform now! Mercury in mascara? Lead in lipstick? Scientific studies have shown that many common personal care products contain dangerous chemicals. EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetics...

Top Ten Problems With Industry’s Chemical “Safety” Bill

The chemical “safety” bill that the industry's allies introduced in Congress is far worse than the current outdated and inadequate law. Here are 10 reasons why legislation hailed as “real progress” by...

California Makes it Law: Label Toxic Flame Retardants in Furniture

California scored a big win for human health and the environment today (Sept. 30) when Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill to require labeling on upholstered furniture to tell shoppers whether it contains...

GE Labeling Would Cost Peanuts, New Study Finds

A recently released study by the economic consulting firm ECONorthwest concludes that requiring genetically engineered food to be labeled would cost Americans a mere $2.30 per person per year.

Rate Your Plate Series: Natural vs. Artificial Flavors

“Natural flavor” is the fourth most common ingredient listed in EWG's Food Scores, which rates more than 80,000 foods on their degree of nutrition, ingredient concerns and processing concerns. But...

GE’s Chemical Treadmill Spawns Zombie Herbicide

Coming soon to a farm field near you: massive applications of a zombie herbicide linked to everything from Parkinson's disease to reproductive problems.

‘Retired’ Sensitive Cropland: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?

Instead of expanding CRP, more funding in the 2018 Farm Bill should go to both of these highly effective programs. That would be a better deal for taxpayers, the environment and public health.

19 Best-Scoring Sunscreens for Babies and Kids

A few blistering sunburns in childhood can double a person's chances of developing serious forms of skin cancer in their lifetime. While a hat and shirt are the most effective at blocking harmful UV...

Trump’s EPA Ignores Hidden Carcinogen Lurking in Cosmetics

The Trump administration's proposal to study 1,4-dioxane excludes exposures from personal care products – even though an EWG analysis found that thousands of shampoos, soaps, lotions, sunscreens...

Hundreds of Kids' Cosmetics Products May Contain Hidden Carcinogen

More than 200 personal care products marketed to children and babies may contain 1,4-dioxane, a common contaminant that is a likely carcinogen.

New Chemical Safety Rules Show Industry Influence Inside EPA

Chemical lobbyists are reportedly “satisfied” with and “optimistic” over the Environmental Protection Agency's new rules for implementation of the nation's primary chemical safety law.