
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2353 - 2376 of 7455

EWG Urges Apple to Back Cell Phone Radiation Disclosure at San Francisco Retailers

SAN FRANCISCO, June 3 – Environmental Working Group (EWG), which published the first consumer-friendly guide to the radiation emitted by cellphones >, has requested that Apple lend its support to San...

2010 Shopper's Guide Helps Consumers Reduce Pesticide Exposure

Washington, DC - Environmental Working Group (EWG) delivers the sixth edition of its Shopper's Guide to Pesticides with updated information on 49 fruits and vegetables and their total pesticide load...

EPA to Bar Fluoride-Based Pesticide

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today proposed to grant three environmental groups' petition to end the use of sulfuryl fluoride, an insecticide and food fumigant manufactured by Dow...

Not-So-Smart Phones: Some New Favorites Rank High in Radiation

Among the flood of new smart phones, the Motorola Droid, Blackberry Bold, and Google Nexus One rate high marks from tech reviewers for performance and features. But the reviews and ads don't mention...

Will Black Farmers Finally See Justice?

Today (Feb 15th) may be the President's Day holiday, but for the president of the National Black Farmer's Association (NBFA) it's the culmination of a remarkable push to bring justice to thousands of...

Climate Change Far Greater Threat to Farmers Than Climate Legislation

Farm industry leaders and their supporters in Congress are trying to derail climate change legislation by insisting that the House-passed bill, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), will...

EPA Chief Announces Sweeping Reforms for Toxic Chemicals

Lisa Jackson, administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has announced historic plans to overhaul federal toxic chemicals controls, with more rigorous testing and safety...

Historic Conference: The Future of U.S. Chemicals Policy

Organizations representing chemical manufacturers, environmental and public health advocates, environmental justice leaders and consumer product goods companies will host an historic conference to...

It’s Déjà vu all over again with FDA’s review of BPA

This week, Mitchell Cheeseman, the point person for the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) safety review of bisphenol A (BPA), strongly suggested that the agency is not taking the “fresh look” at...

FDA Must Ban BPA in Baby Bottles and Infant Formula

For the first time under the Obama administration's leadership, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is scheduled on Monday, August 17th, to update the public on its new scientific review of...

EWG’s ’09 Sunscreen Consumer Guide

In an affirmation of Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) three-year campaign for more effective sunscreens, 70 percent of sunscreens offered for the 2009 beach season contain strong UVA filters...

Closing the “Halliburton Loophole” in the Safe Drinking Water Act

Hydraulic fracturing, the process pioneered by Halliburton in which water and toxic chemicals are injected into the ground to force out oil and natural gas may finally lose its exemption from basic...

Coca-Cola and Del Monte Caught in Plot to Deceive Moms and Minorities Over Dangers of BPA

Environmental Working Group (EWG) called on its growing list of supporters to demand both Coca-Cola and Del Monte stop the use of Bisphenol A (BPA) in the food and beverage containers of each company...

Free Pass for Oil and Gas: Environmental Protections Rolled Back as Western Drilling Surges

Oil and natural gas companies have drilled almost 120,000 wells in the West since 2000, mostly for natural gas, and nearly 270,000 since 1980, according to industry records analyzed by Environmental...

For Senator Conrad, Millionaire Subsidy Recipients Trump the Environment

Senate Budget committee chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) announced yesterday he would reject President Obama's plan to cut billions in crop subsidy payments that flow mostly to large profitable farm...

As Meat Prices Soar in Pandemic, Try These Healthier High-Protein Foods

Meat and poultry processing plants are hot spots for COVID-19 outbreaks, constricting the supply chains for beef, chicken and pork – and sending their prices soaring.

Harmful BPA Replacements Contaminate Store Receipts

“Would you like your receipt?” Maybe not. Your exchange with the grocery store checkout clerk may seem like an odd time to worry about potentially harmful chemicals, but for decades, receipts printed...

EWG News Roundup (12/11): EWG VERIFIED® Diapers Launches Nationwide, Tom Vilsack as Biden’s Top Pick for Ag Secretary and More

EWG News Roundup (12/11): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

More Good Sunscreens to Choose From this Summer

Consumers can have confidence in about one quarter of the sunscreen products on store shelves this year, according to Environmental Working Group's review and ranking of more than 1,800 products. Last...

CDC Study Shows Boston Area Infants Exposed to Dangerous Rocket Fuel Ingredient through Breast Milk

An Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis of recently published data from scientists at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Boston University (BU) shows that infants are being exposed to...

Environmental Working Group's Statement in Support of the "Safe Drinking Water for Healthy Communities Act of 2007" Introduced Today by Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis

"Tests by the CDC and independent researchers have confirmed that many Americans are carrying the rocket fuel ingredient, perchlorate, in their bodies in amounts that lower thyroid hormone levels, in...

Chemical Lobby Gets Its Way in U.S. Senate

For several years now, Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been warning of the risks associated with bisphenol A (BPA) – especially the BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups and cans of infant formula...

Environmental Working Group's Statement on Lancet Seafood Study

This study supports the long-standing advice of the federal government, the Environmental Working Group, and many other organizations: women should eat seafood during pregnancy known to be low in...