
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 553 - 576 of 7443

Senate Confirms Top Coal, Chemical Lobbyist for No. 2 EPA Post

Senate confirms top lobbyist for the coal and chemical industries as Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Photo courtesy of U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public...

Hurricane Dorian Threatens To Spread Millions of Tons of Manure Again Throughout North Carolina’s Coastal Plain

As Hurricane Dorian bears down on North Carolina, the storm's flood waters threaten once again to spread millions of tons of animal waste from factory farms throughout the state's eastern coastal...

Iowa’s Private Wells Overrun With Agricultural Contaminants

Private wells across Iowa are contaminated with unsafe levels of two agricultural contaminants, according to an investigation by the Environmental Working Group and the Iowa Environmental Council.

New Investigation: Recent Explosion of Poultry Factory Farms in N.C. Piles Manure from 515.3M Chickens Onto Waste From 9.7M Hogs

North Carolina, a state known for the devastating environmental and public health impacts of industrial-scale hog production, now has more than twice as many poultry factory farms as swine operations...

Hurricane Florence Flooded Poultry Operations Housing 1.8 Million Birds, Investigation Finds

The heavy rains and high waters after Hurricane Florence flooded 35 industrial poultry operations in North Carolina housing an estimated 1.8 million birds, according to a new investigation by...

4 Years Since Toledo Water Crisis, Toxic Algal Blooms on Rise Across U.S

In 2014, Toledo was the first U.S. city where a toxic algal bloom made tap water unsafe to drink. But it may not be last, says a new report by the Environmental Working Group.

Farm Runoff Causing Widespread Drinking Water Pollution in Midwest

A new report from the Environmental Working Group reveals that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is failing to enforce a key farm bill provision, with dire consequences for drinking water in the...

High Levels of Nitrate Foul Tap Water in Illinois Corn Belt

Northwest Illinois is one of the nation's most productive corn-growing regions. But the heavy use of fertilizer and manure on corn fields leads to nitrate pollution in many communities' tap water...

As Homes Become Classrooms, Calif. Gov. Newsom Moves To Protect Kids From Pesticide Drift

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has directed all counties to tighten restrictions on pesticide spraying near homes, to protect children from toxic chemicals drifting from crop fields while they are...


Clean Water Report Card for California

Half of major industrial water polluters in California are operating with expired pollution permits, according to an analysis of clean water enforcement data by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Friends of the Earth (FOE). Facilities operating under expired permits include most of the state's oil refineries and a number of power plants that are dumping a toxic soup of chemicals into the ocean

Report: Duke Energy Policies Consistently Harm Low-Income Customers

Duke Energy, the nation's largest investor-owned electric utility, claims to make affordability, efficiency and access to renewable energy for its low-income customers a priority. But an investigation...

Dear Senator: Last Chance to Stand Up for Clean Water, Air, Public Health

The Senate is poised to vote tomorrow to install the worst nominee for Environmental Protection Agency administrator in history: Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. His record and statements...


Full Disclosure

The federal government and the states have adopted a high- cost, high-risk strategy in their drinking water programs, where consumers pay water suppliers to try to make polluted water drinkable. In spite of the vigorous efforts of drinking water providers, tap water made from dirty rivers and lakes is often host to multiple toxic chemicals, or is contaminated with the by-products of the clean-up

Citing Too Much Work, Oklahoma Atty. Gen. Moves to Block Remaining Pruitt Emails

After sitting on an open records request for more than a year, the Oklahoma attorney general's office – occupied until a week ago by Scott Pruitt, now head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency...

It Didn't Take Long: Trump’s First Environmental Assault Endangers Drinking Water of 100 Million Americans

WASHINGTON – With Scott Pruitt now installed as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, President Trump has moved quickly to strike a vital safeguard aimed at protecting the drinking...

Press Reports Cite White House’s Deep Divisions Over Climate Change Policy

The New York Times' Coral Davenport reports today that President Trump is being pulled in opposite directions over whether to pull the country out of the landmark Paris climate change treaty. The U.S...

EWG: EPA Chief's Shrug at Carbon Dioxide’s Role in Climate Change an 'Ominous Signal'

Scott Pruitt's downplaying of carbon dioxide as the driver of global warming is an ominous first signal of how the new Environmental Protection Agency administrator will address climate change, EWG...

Sen. Portman Pushes Bill to Gut Government’s Ability to Safeguard Consumers

Today, Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, introduced the Senate version of H.R. 5, the Regulatory Accountability Act, which would require endless agency studies and two layers of judicial and Congressional...


Greening Hospitals

Lack of basic environmental practices at major U.S. hospitals is resulting in serious pollution problems and contamination of major foods, including baby foods. A first of its kind environmental survey of 50 major U.S. hospitals uncovered widespread failure on the part of medical facilities to take steps to halt contamination of milk, meats and fish by dioxins and mercury, pollutants that cause a

North Carolina Lawmakers Side With Big Pork Over Property Rights of Citizens

WASHINGTON – By overriding Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of a bill shielding big hog farms from citizens’ lawsuits, 74 members of the North Carolina House of Representatives slashed the property rights and...

EWG: Trump's Budget Is Roadmap for Dirty Water, Bad Air and Hungry Kids

WASHINGTON – President Trump has proposed a budget that should be welcomed by chemical and pesticide makers and their lobbyists, though it would make ordinary Americans suffer from cuts to public...

Trump and Pruitt’s Ax to EPA Budget Threatens Water, Air, Public Health

WASHINGTON – The Trump administration’s proposed 31 percent cut to the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency will cripple the agency’s ability to protect public health and natural resources...

EWG Comments to the National Toxicology Program Board of Scientific Counselors

Below and attached are comments EWG has submitted to the National Toxicology Program Board of Scientific Counselors on the NTP's efforts to investigate the effects of cumulative exposures to mixtures...

National Consumer, Environmental Groups Urge Indiana Lawmakers To Reject Coal Bailout Bill

A coalition of leading national environmental and consumer protection groups today called on state lawmakers in Indiana to scrap legislation that would make it difficult for electric utilities to...