
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6649 - 6672 of 7456

Studies: Heart Disease and Death Tied to Ultraprocessed Foods

One in five U.S. adults gets 81 percent of their calories from so-called ultraprocessed foods, industrially processed foods that are hyperpalatable and highly profitable formulations of ingredients...

As the Climate Crisis Accelerates, Big Utilities Go Slower on Cutting Carbon Emissions

Just when carbon emissions must be rapidly slashed to combat the climate crisis, in coming years some of the biggest U.S electric utilities will move more slowly to cut carbon pollution, according to...

We Want You To Protect Your Kids From Nonstick Chemicals: Here’s How

Every day more toxic nonstick chemicals are being discovered in our water, food and homes.

Labor Day Made Fun and Safer With EWG

Does your family head to the beach for Labor Day? Host friends and family for a barbecue? Whatever your particular tradition, EWG has you covered when it comes to marking the end of summer safely and...

New Push for Ingredient Labels on Menstrual Products

New York may soon become the first state to require that menstrual products disclose their ingredients on the label. The groundbreaking action follows the release of a study showing that many brands...

Fairway Farmers

The grass is always greener for “fairway farmers” who, despite living next to golf courses instead of crop land, have raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments from the first round of...

Natural Gas: A 'Bridge' to a Hotter Climate, Bigger Utility Bills and More Threats to Public Health

For decades, big utilities and the fossil fuel industry have touted natural gas as a cheap, lower-pollution fuel that provides a “bridge” from coal and oil to clean renewable energy. That notion has...

Two Philadelphia Schools Closed After Renovation Reveals Deadly Asbestos

The Philadelphia School District has closed two schools indefinitely after renovations uncovered deadly asbestos. The closure of the schools, housed in the same building, comes just weeks after a...

Cancer-Causing Chemical 1,4-Dioxane Contaminates Americans’ Drinking Water

Water supplies for more than 7 million Americans in 27 states are contaminated with an industrial chemical at levels higher than what federal scientists say poses a minimal lifetime risk of cancer...

Flame Retardant Roulette: Swapping One Toxic Compound for Another

For decades, Americans have been needlessly exposed to chemical flame retardants – which have been linked to cancer, hormone disruption and other health effects – all because of a well intentioned but...

EWG Tackling Global Challenges, One Step at a Time

Eradicate poverty. End hunger. Reduce inequality. Stop climate change. Such huge, idealistic goals may seem impossible.

Who Wants Marshmallows?

The sweetest dish at your Thanksgiving dinner may not be the pie. On countless Thanksgiving tables, nestled somewhere between the turkey, gravy and green beans, sits a sweet potato casserole, topped...

Watch Out for Borax

Recipes for homemade “green” cleaning products often contain a common ingredient: borax.

EWG Ranks Cleaning Products for Babies

Every parent knows that caring for a new baby requires lots and lots of cleaning. But can washing up the milk and spit-up introduce your baby to potentially harmful chemicals?

Good News for School Lunches

For parents and school children nationwide, there's encouraging news on nutrition. School lunches are getting healthier, according to a new report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and...

How Cutting Sugar Can Improve Children’s Health

Now parents have yet another reason to wean their kids off the sweet stuff.

Easy Tips for Healthier Holiday Beverages

'Tis the season for hot holiday beverages. Hot chocolate, apple cider and other warm, comforting drinks are popular with kids and parents alike. But these treats can pack a ton of calories and sugar...

Radical New DARK Act Assaults Consumer Rights

The new version of H.R. 1599 is a radical overreach that does not simply deny consumers the right to know what's in their food or how it is grown. The new version of legislation dubbed the Deny...