All day, every day EWG works to help you live a healthier life in a healthier environment.

June Highlights

NEW INFOGRAPHIC: EWG published a compelling graphic in response to Dow's introduction of a new herbicide, Enlist Duo, designed to kill "superweeds" that developed resistance to Monsanto's weed-killer RoundUp! This toxic combination is made up of 2,4-D and glyphosate - two herbicides linked to health problems. What's more, Enlist Duo actually helps perpetuate the superweed problem. Read More

EWG ADVOCACY: With childhood obesity on the rise and a third of American children at risk of often preventable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, EWG supporters told their members of Congress to oppose an appropriations bill that would have loosened school nutrition standards and put corporate profits ahead of children's health. Read More

NEW REPORT: Can you get too much of a good thing? EWG's investigative report - "How Much is Too Much?" - answered just that question. When it comes to vitamin A, zinc and niacin, yes, you can. People need enough of these nutrients for good health, but consuming too much can be harmful - especially to young children, the elderly and pregnant women. EWG research showed that because of flawed government policies and food companies that fortify food with extra nutrients in the hope of boosting sales, many American children today get excessive amounts of those three nutrients. The report explained how to avoid "too much" and was picked up by many news outlets, including ABC-TV's Good Morning America! Read More
