News Releases

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Displaying 1281 - 1300 of 2142

Whole Foods Launches Revolutionary Program To Rate Health and Environmental Impact of Produce

EWG commends Whole Foods Market for launching a new program that will raise the bar for retailing responsibly grown produce and improve the health, safety and environmental impact of the fruits and...

EPA Ignores Public Outcry, Approves Dangerous Weed Killer

The Environmental Working Group is “deeply disappointed” that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has decided to approve a toxic weed killer known as Enlist Duo, despite overwhelming opposition...

Report: Rapidly Expanding Frac Sand Mining is Hidden Danger of Fracking Boom in U.S.

Frac sand mining - the extraction of the fine-particle sand needed for hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") of wells -- is expanding rapidly in the United States and poses a little-understood threat to...

EWG Welcomes Boxer Proposal To Reform Weak Federal Chemical Controls

EWG applauds Senator Boxer's leadership in fighting for reform of our broken toxics laws and protecting public health.

EWG Releases New Consumer Tool to Help People Make Smarter Seafood Choices

The Environmental Working Group published a new shopping tool and seafood calculator today to help people buy seafood lower in mercury, higher in omega-3 fatty acids and sustainably produced.

EWG Blasts Government Approval of 2,4-D-Tolerant Corn, Soybeans

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's decision to approve new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds "brings us one step closer to widespread use of a new toxic weed killer that...

Senate Committee Moves Bill To Bring New Sunscreens to U.S. Market

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions today approved a bill that could bring new and effective sunscreen ingredients to the U.S. market and help reduce the rate of skin cancer.

Clorox to Disclose Fragrance Allergens in Cleaning Products

The Clorox Company's decision to disclose fragrance allergens in its household cleaning products is an important step in increasing transparency and improving awareness around the potentially harmful...

New Audit Finds EPA’s Approach to Reduce Nutrient Pollution is Ineffective

A new audit from Office of the Inspector General at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finds the agency's strategy to reduce nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin and Gulf of Mexico...

EWG Opposes USDA Recommendation To Deregulate 2,4-D-Tolerant Corn, Soybeans

A U.S. Department of Agriculture recommendation to deregulate new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds would bring a chemical manufacturer one step closer to selling a new toxic...

One Year Later: Iowa’s Battered Soil and Streams Still Unprotected

A new survey of Iowa farmland finds that “ephemeral gullies” are still ravaging many crop fields despite a few welcome signs of improvement compared to a year ago. Unprotected fields were once again...

EWG-Duke Study Finds Five Times As Much Cancer-Causing Fire Retardant in Children As Mothers

Scientists at the Environmental Working Group and Duke University have found evidence that the average level of a cancer-causing fire retardant chemical in the bodies of children tested was nearly...

50 Lawmakers Stand Up for Children’s Health

Fifty members of Congress are standing up for children's health by urging the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture to reject a new toxic weed killer, “Enlist DuoTM,” and...

Government’s Top Doctor Issues Wake-Up Call on Sun Exposure Risks

The government's top doctor's urgent warning today is an important call to action to reduce the skyrocketing rates of skin cancer, EWG said in a statement.

House Advances Bill To Bring Better Sunscreens to U.S. Market

The House of Representatives today advanced a bill that could bring more effective sunscreens to the U.S. market and help reduce the risk of skin cancer, EWG said in a statement today.

EWG Honors Hollie Russon Gilman for Excellence in Technology and Innovation

Hollie Russon Gilman, Ph.D. has been awarded this year's Chris Campbell Award for Excellence in Information Technology and Digital Mobilization, Environmental Working Group announced today.

Citing Health Risks, Doctors and Scientists Urge Congress to Reject Potent Herbicide Mix for Genetically Engineered Crops

Prominent doctors, scientists and business leaders today urged Congress to pressure the Obama administration to reject an application to market “Enlist DuoTM,” a new toxic herbicide mix of 2,4-D and...

More Scientific Evidence That Organic Food Is More Nutritious

A new study led by a team of scientists at Newcastle University in England provides the most compelling and comprehensive evidence that organic crops are more nutritious than their conventional...

New Bill Aims To Bring More Effective Sunscreens to Market

The Environmental Working Group and other leading public health advocates are urging members of Congress to support a new bill that could bring more effective sunscreens to the U.S. market and help...

Ben & Jerry’s, GE-Labeling Advocates Protest Anti-GE Labeling Bill

Ben & Jerry's co-founder Jerry Greenfield joined members of Congress and pro-GE labeling advocacy groups on Capitol Hill today to protest a House bill that would deny Americans the right to know about...

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