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Displaying 1321 - 1340 of 2142

Growing Crops Too Close to Stream Banks Pollutes Minnesota Waterways

Nearly 170 waterways in southern Minnesota get a grade of D or F because they lack the required protective strips of vegetation that prevent farm runoff from polluting nearby rivers and streams...

Most U.S. Apples Coated with Chemical Banned in Europe

A chemical widely used on non-organic American apples was banned in the European Union in 2012 because its makers could not show it did not pose a risk to human health, according to a new analysis by...

Erin Brockovich, Veterans Rally Against Government’s Position in Supreme Court Pollution Case

Consumer advocate Erin Brockovich, dozens of military veterans, and watchdog groups rallied today to voice frustration over the federal government's support of a known polluter in a landmark U.S...

California Fails to Protect Drinking Water from Toxic “Erin Brockovich” Chemical

SAN FRANCISCO – The California Department of Public Health today announced its final drinking water standard for the toxic chemical hexavalent chromium made infamous in the film Erin Brockovich. The...

Walmart Moves to Make Organic Foods More Affordable

Today's announcement by Walmart, the world's biggest grocer, that it plans to sell a line of organic foods at competitive prices could eventually lower the cost of all organic food by expanding the...

Consumer Pressure Leads Avon To Phase Out Antibacterial Chemical

Washington, D.C. – The decision by Avon, one of the world's largest beauty product manufacturers, to remove the antibacterial chemical triclosan from its products is “the latest example of how...

Big Food’s “DARK Act” Introduced in Congress

Legislation introduced today by Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) - christened the “Deny Americans the Right-to-Know” or DARK act by critics - would block any federal or state action to require...

EWG’s Ken Cook Announces New Landmark Food Project at TEDxManhattan

Environmental Working Group (EWG) plans to launch a new food database and mobile app that aims to change the way Americans eat and shop for foods.

Senate Bill Would Limit Crop Insurance Subsidies

A new bill introduced Wednesday by Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) aims to cap crop insurance subsidies, a reform that Environmental Working Group has long advocated.

UN panel calls into question U.S. corn ethanol mandate

A new report by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights the risks biofuels present to food security and the environment and questions the ability of U.S. biofuels...

EWG Issues Guide to Men’s Environmental Health

Toxic substances in drinking water, food, food packaging and personal care products, as well as exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays, have all been linked to serious health problems that affect many...

California Moves to Remove First in a Series of Toxic Chemicals from Consumer Products

The state of California has launched an important initiative to protect its residents from exposures to toxic substances by calling on industry to find safer alternatives for three widely used...

Cosmetics Industry Reform Proposal Fails Public Health

Renee Sharp, research director at the Environmental Working Group said today that the cosmetics industry's legislative proposal to reform cosmetics law would deprive the federal Food and Drug...

Budget Proposal Includes Important Crop Insurance Reforms

The 2015 federal budget released by the White House this morning includes important and very welcome initiatives to reform the bloated crop insurance program, Environmental Working Group said in a...

House ‘Chemical Reform’ Bill Would Erode Protections for Health, Environment

Legislation proposed by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) to reform federal chemicals management law would leave the public at even greater risk of exposure to toxic substances than under the outdated...

Proposed Nutritional Label Will Promote Healthier Diets

The long-overdue changes to the Nutrition Facts label announced today by First Lady Michelle Obama would improve Americans' diets and promote healthier eating, Environmental Working Group said in a...

“Yoga Mat” Chemical Found in nearly 500 Foods

The controversial “yoga mat” chemical that Vani Hari, creator of, campaigned to remove from Subway sandwich bread has turned up in nearly 500 items and more than 130 brands of bread...

New EWG Guide Aims to Help Shoppers Avoid GE Food

A new shopping guide released by the Environmental Working Group today will help consumers find supermarket foods made without ingredients likely to be genetically engineered.

New Farm Law is Bad for Taxpayers and the Environment

President Obama signed into law today a farm bill that is bad for taxpayers and bad for the environment, the Environmental Working Group said in a statement.

Farm Bill Takes Food and Farm Policy Down the Wrong Path

Environmental Working Group (EWG) released the following statement in response to the passage of the farm bill in the Senate.

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