All the EWG environmental health issues you care about - on Facebook.

I'm convinced that having a Facebook group is now like having a web site: if you don't have one, where are you, really? Does your group really exist? If you can't be found online, who's going to find you these all?

And even though I'm a Johnny-come-lately (my excuse: age), EWG isn't. Nope, we've been on Facebook awhile now, maybe since way back in 2007. Check it out. We promise not to over message you (no way).

Instead, it's a great way to hear about our new reports (like the Green Lighting one we issued earlier this month), or the report on bottled water we did in fall 2008.

We also share action items, like our e-letter to the Energy Star program directors requesting lower mercury limits in compact fluorescent light bulbs - because we know the technology's out there and think the regulations ought to keep pace. Among other important (and always scintillating) updates from the hard-working EWG staff.

So please, join us. And if hanging out with us on Facebook isn't enough (how could it be?), by all means, follow on us Twitter. Naturally we tweet, too. We're @enviroblog.

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