EnviroHealth in Blogs: Can I recycle that?

rubbish_at_recycling.jpgMark at Blogfish reports that the National Fisheries Institute, the industry group that brought us the "eat more fish!" study last fall, are pretty ticked about the New York Times investigative report on mercury levels in sushi. They claim that the piece was unbalanced because it didn't discuss in detail the benefits to be derived from eating fish, among other things. Someone's got their underwear in a bunch.

I once coordinated recycling efforts for a house of 53 college students. Let me tell you -- people are confused about recycling. What can be recycled and what can't be, should they be washed, what about the lids . . . And often, when they don't know the answer, people's recyclables will end up in the trash. If you want to know how it got so confusing and what the real answers are, I recommend you check out this article on recycling plastic from GreenRightNow.

This was a new one for me, although I suppose I'm not surprised: Those little fabric softener sheets you toss in the dryer with your laundry? Yeah, they're full of nasty chemicals. And to think I used to use them to rid my hair of static cling when I was a kid. Katy at Non-Toxic Kids has the scoop.

David Sassoon says "Clean Coal" is dead -- for now, at least. If only it was as easy as throwing a bucket of water on it.

And finally -- this is almost too absurd to be true -- President Bush is considering replacing acting CPSC chair Nancy Nord with a woman who has made her living defending industry. She's consulted for Big Tobacco and worked on projects funded by pesticide makers and the energy industry. And it gets worse. This is the woman our president thinks should be defending consumer interests?

Photo: Rubbish at Recycling by Caro's Lines.

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