EnviroHealth in Blogs: Cold coffee blues got you down?

Steaming_coffee_cup.gif A little light reading for your pre-holiday perusal. . .

Siel's got some tips for greening your computer use -- and even though you've probably heard them all before, I bet you could use a refresher. Make sure you turn off your computer over the long weekend!

The worst effects San Francisco Bay oil spill could have been contained, says Mark, if only we didn't wait so long to learn our lessons.

Cold coffee generally isn't a problem here at EWG -- the stuff doesn't last long enough to get cold. Hey, we've got to keep those researchers going somehow. Anyway, if you've ever wondered whether it's more Earth-friendly to nuke a cold pot of coffee or just toss it and make a new one, Umbra's got your answer.

California is taking legal action against 20 toy companies they say violated that state's toxics law. The companies could be fined up to $2,500 per day per violation for the unlawful amounts of lead in their products.

A lot can happen in a year -- especially a year without Richard Pombo. Sierra Club's Carl Pope reports.

Beauty Snob has the rundown on a cosmetic product recall. Apparently Age Intervention Eyelash by Jan Marini contains a medication that may increase pressure in the eyes and cause vision problems -- and yet somehow it made it to market. I feel safe, don't you?

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