Envirohealth in Blogs: Corn is not the devil

cornA little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment.

After a bit of an absence, Angry Toxicologist is back with a vengeance. "Those in glass houses," he says, "should not throw stones at China."

In a surprising turn of events, Bonnie of Ethicurean is defending corn! Okay, not exactly. But she does remind us that "corn in its natural state is not 'bad.'" She also gives instructions for making popcorn -- wait for it -- on the stove! Betcha haven't done that in a while.

The other day, while walking to work, I passed a couple dozen discarded Christmas trees waiting on the curb for pickup. One of them particularly caught my attention -- it still had the lights wrapped around it. How incredibly wasteful! Maybe whoever threw it out heard the news that there's lead on the outside of the wires. The Pump Handle has the story.

Marguerite issues a thank you to the Unknown Environmentalist -- those who don't run an organization or keep a blog, but who go quietly about their lives as a paragon of green.

Having a hard time keeping all the plastics and their associated qualities straight? It's hard to know what to avoid when you can't remember if it's #3 or #7 that leaches BPA. Katy at Non-Toxic Kids has a convenient plastics refresher -- you might want to bookmark it for future reference!

You Stink! has issued an award to the cosmetics/personal care company that cares the least about children. Are their products in your bathroom?

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