Green Moms Carnival: 2009

If you've not happened upon this blog carnival before, I highly recommend it. Each month a group of 20 or so active green mom bloggers choose a single green issue to write about (like climate change or green cleaning), and lucky you can find it all in one place. The first two for 2009 are out with a third on its way, and they're definitely worth a look. Here's the skinny:

January 2009's topic was Global Warming, hosted by The Not Quite Crunchy Parent. 17 different green mom bloggers shared their unique perspective on the subject. There's advice on how to talk with kids about global warming, how to reduce it with reusable bags, how to tighten up your ducts, as well as broader policy and societal changes.

February 2009's topic was "I believe," hosted by The Smart Mama. There were a broad range of posts, two of which included the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act: Green & Clean Mom on her belief in social networking to connect people who are passionate about going green with their families and More Green Moms entirely in support of Kid-Safe.

The March 2009 carnival will go live on the 10th at Tiny Choices. It'll be all about green spring cleaning.

You can also follow the Green Moms Carnival on Twitter - they recently won a 2008 Shorty award for producing such great 'short' content. Go green moms!

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