Holy Mackerel! Sushi trouble in NYC

sushi in NYCNote to sushi lovers from the Big Apple: Maybe stick to the pastrami on rye.

The New York Times recently tested sushi from 20 different popular stores and restaurants in Manhattan and found extremely high, possibly even dangerous levels of Mercury in the sample pieces they had tested.

This reminds me. . . Remember last October when the seafood industry lobby and some well-spun members of the press, namely the Washington Post, reported that the federal government’s own guidelines of no more than 12 ounces of seafood a week for women was hogwash? And, instead decided “At least” 12 ounces a week seemed more appropriate? I’d advise women use the Times’ own thorough investigative piece over the Post’s article that swallowed the industry’s spin hook, line and sinker when deciding how much sushi and seafood they should eat each week.

Photo: Sushi by Alexandre Chang

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