The Justice Roberts Skin Cancer Prevention System&trade

Official_roberts_CJ.jpgChief Justice John Roberts doesn't believe sunscreens need to be regulated. Apparently he has all the protection he needs -- we hear those robes offer excellent skin cancer prevention.

In the 29 years that the FDA has been wavering on sunscreen regulations, the cosmetics industry has used some pretty crazy tactics to prevent them from passing. In 2001, for example, they hired a lawyer to threaten a lawsuit. The proposed regulations, the lawyer argued, violated the first amendment.

In 2005, that lawyer took his seat as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

That's right. As recently as 2001, Justice John Roberts was lobbying on behalf of the cosmetics industry -- a fact he failed to disclose during his hearings. Not only was Justice Roberts lobbying for the cosmetics industry, but he successfully blocked regulations that may have prevented countless cases of skin cancer.

And this is the man running our Supreme Court. Doesn't it just make you feel all safe and cozy?

Hopefully, without Roberts defending them this time around, the cosmetics industry won't be able block the FDA's recently proposed sunscreen regulations. In the meantime just follow Roberts' lead for skin cancer prevention: stay inside and swing decisions to the right.

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