Links! Aww, you shouldn't have. . .

ecard_oceana_penguin.jpgA handful of interesting links for your Valentine's Day (or Singles Awareness Day) enjoyment:

Want to show your love for the planet? If you support the Cape Wind project, which would create a wind-energy farm off the coast of Massachusetts, send a message to the government to tell them so -- they're accepting comments until March 20th. PlanetSave has more.

Want to make this pink-and-red holiday a little more green? Plenty Magazine's got some fabulous tips. And just so it's clear, anyone who serenaded me with I just called to say 'I compost' would win my heart forever. Seriously.

Oceana got all Discovery Channel for their new campaign, Mating Season. I can't decide if the video is hysterically funny or incredibly unnerving, but I sent it to all my friends, so I guess it's working! Also check out their awesome e-cards, like the one featured up above.

And finally, if you're considering buying your sweetie something smelly for the holiday, don't. Not only are most perfumes full of allergy-inducing chemicals, but wearing them in public or common spaces can cause problems for people with multiple chemical sensitivity. Plus, it sends a subtle message: "I love you, but I wish you smelled different." Romantic, eh?

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