Right above us, and way ahead on curbing chemical exposure

oh_canada.jpgIt seems Canada is not only physically above the United States, but ahead of us as well when it comes to reducing the exposure of its most vulnerable populations to toxic chemicals. The Province that 1 in 3 Canadians calls home is moving forward with plans to possibly ban outright the use of Bisphenol-A (BPA) in the production of baby bottles due to study after study showing the hormone disrupting chemical to have potentially harmful impacts on babies. Meanwhile, here in the United States, due to the 1 or 2 chemical industry spokespeople who continue to ignore the science and claim BPA is just fine, the well-spun media in the States continues to report that there is “debate” over the chemical’s impacts on people.

And now we learn Canada’s equivalent to our Secretary for Health and Human Services has just announced a $4 million, 5-year body burden study tracking the chemicals in about 2,000 pregnant women and their babies.

Kudos Canada. There are some folks below the border who could learn a thing a two from their neighbors to the north.

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