Welcome to sunscreen season

sun_smart.jpgI'm sure some of you have already been grilling your grass-fed hamburgers and bulghurburgers BBQ-style, but where I'm from, Memorial Day officially kicks off cook-out season. And where there's a cookout, there's sunscreen -- or at least, there ought to be.

But how's a person to choose from the vast array of products on the market?

Here's a start: last summer's Sunscreen Report from EWG. You can use this list to find the best of the most common brands, or take a look at the very best list.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you're shopping for and using sunscreen:

  • Choose a physical sunscreen (zinc or titanium oxide) rather than a chemical one. Chemical sunscreens are less effective and carry unnecessary health risks.
  • Use plenty of sunscreen, and reapply often. Remember to use sunscreen on all exposed skin every day.
  • Seek shade, cover up with a light long-sleeved shirt and a hat, and avoid the sun during midday when it's rays are strongest.
  • Take special care with kids, who're more susceptible to skin damage. Cover up, play in the shade, and keep infants out of direct sun altogether.

Photo by elmada.

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