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Displaying 2161 - 2180 of 4062

Cooking Through Winter's Bitter Bounty

When the weather turns, the days get shorter and it's time to get out the winter clothes, it's also high season for the Brassicaceae, or mustard family, on your family's dinner table.

EWG Seeks Answers About Loophole in Proposed New York Fracking Plan

EWG is requesting records from New York officials to shed light on a potentially glaring loophole in the state's draft plan for regulating high-volume hydraulic fracturing in the event that Gov...

Toxic Fire Retardants Are Everywhere in Homes, New Studies Find

Harmful fire retardant chemicals are turning up in everything from furniture to dust in American homes, researchers report in two new studies being published today (Nov. 28), a finding that...

Farm Businesses Should Not Have Been Granted the Right to Pollute

A New York Times headline this month (Nov, 13) read: “The Problem is Clear: The Water is Filthy.” It should have read: “The Problem is Clear: Agriculture Granted the Right to Make the Water Filthy.”

Calif. Boosts Funding Opportunities for a New Generation of Sustainable Farmers and Local, Healthy Food

It's a new day for those who have felt poorly served by California's chief food and agriculture agency.

Cell Phone Radiation May Alter Brain, DNA

New research by Russian scientist Igor Belyaev, Ph.D., and Turkish researcher Nesrin Seyhan, Ph.D., shows that radiation emitted from portable devices may damage DNA and disrupt the process of DNA...

Race, Class, and Climate Change in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy ravaged much of the eastern seaboard, leaving some dead, many without shelter, and all of us wondering how such an event could happen. What we realized, though, is that we can no...

Greener Holiday Dishwashing with EWG

Having guests around during the holiday season? Inviting them to hang out in your kitchen? Setting out munchies? Cooking an entire humongous festive holiday meal Feeding hordes of kids on break or...

Hit farm bill reset button to cut deficit, protect land

Democrats in Iowa tried hard to turn Congress' failure to pass a federal farm bill into a political liability for their Republican opponents. It didn't work.

Congress Should Not Pass a Lame Duck Farm Bill

With the elections finally behind us, Congress has returned to Washington to try to wrap up a slew of unfinished business. Among other things, lawmakers are grappling with how to revive the expired...

Drilling Rigs: Not So Pretty In Pink

I almost spilled my coffee the day I clicked the link in my morning email to an article in the Norman, Okla. newspaper headlined, "Drilling rig to raise awareness of breast cancer."

Another View: Congress should pass a fiscally responsible farm bill extension

The following op-ed appeared in the Des Moines Register on Monday, November 12, 2012. It's too late for Congress to pass a good farm bill this year. The coming lame duck session of the 112th Congress...

Meet the New Dust Bowl, Same as the Old Dust Bowl

The opening episode of the 4-hour epic that premieres on PBS on November 18 goes right to the cause of the problem. In a short time, farmers converted an area twice the size of New Jersey and...

Farm Bill: More for Millionaire Farmers, Less for Poor Kids

With high crop prices, high land prices and guaranteed business income thanks to federal crop insurance, farm businesses are doing very well, thank you very much. The Bloomberg news service reports...

Farm Bill Extension: Support Stewards, Not Insurance Subsidies

With only five legislative weeks left, Congress must vote to extend the farm bill, but it must do it in a way that reflects the nation's spending priorities, supports family farmers and protects the...

Dairy’s Downward Spiral a Consequence of Broken Biofuels Policy

California dairymen are being regularly referred to suicide hotlines as many go broke from rising feed costs, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

Fresh Start Needed on Overripe Farm Bill

If there was one message from yesterday's voting, it's that taxpayers – regardless of party – are worried about the nation's economy and finances.

Can Obama Depend on Dependent Farmers?

By now, every American is familiar with Mitt Romney's suggestion that 47 percent of Americans are “victims” who are “dependent” on government assistance.

EWG, Public Citizen Seek Court Backing for S.F. Cell Phone Radiation Law

The Environmental Working Group and Public Citizen have asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to support a San Francisco law that would require cell phone retailers to distribute a...

Regulation Works

The Mississippi River is alive again here as it flows through the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Once again, this urban river runs clear and its waters are a world-class fishery for walleye, sauger...
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