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Displaying 2741 - 2760 of 4062

EWG's 10 tips for a less toxic pregnancy

Last week we told you about the 232 toxic chemicals we found in umbilical cord blood. This week we tell you how to reduce your exposures to toxic chemicals to keep them out of your womb.

FRAC Act Gains House Supporters

A bill to establish federal oversight for a controversial oil and natural gas extraction technique called hydraulic fracturing has gained six more House supporters, four of them from New York City...

For Farmers, Expected Costs of Climate Bill Are Still Minimal

In October, EWG released a report that questioned the misguided claims made by farm lobby organizations and their patrons in Congress who are arguing that climate change legislation would cause...

BPA Invades the Womb

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the outcry over Rachel Carson's path-breaking Silent Spring and global mobilization around the first Earth Day spurred scientists to attempt to quantify how much pollution...

Needed: Your vote for EWG to win $15,000!

Social media is empowering the people. Right? Even if you're not convinced of that just yet, one thing is for sure: without your votes (yes, that's with an "s"), EWG won't win a $15,000 grant from the...

Sound Science Prevails In EPA Ethanol Decision

WASHINGTON December 1 –The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said today that it will wait until mid-2010 to decide whether to grant a waiver request that would allow up to 15 percent ethanol in...

Researchers: Curbing Global Warming Would Boost Public Health

Taking steps to confront the threat of a warming planet would have the huge added payoff of making people healthier around the globe, a group of scientists have concluded in a unique package of new...

Kernel-nomics: Big Ethanol's Inflated Job Claims

By Craig Cox, Environmental Working Group Midwest vice-president. Growth Energy, a corn ethanol lobby group, is grossly exaggerating the economic benefits that a higher ethanol blend in the nation's...

Drake Professor Takes Farm Bureau to the Climate Change Woodshed

Law professor Neil Hamilton penned a harsh critique of the Farm Bureau's dangerously shortsighed opposition to climate change legislation in a guest column in yesterday's Des Moines Register. Hamilton...

Learn to create a green nursery on - with EWG's Ken Cook

Jesse Johnson, CEO and co-founder of Q-Collection and Q-Collection Junior posted an interview with EWG president and co-founder Ken Cook on his experiences creating a green, non-toxic nursery for his...

Climate Change and Health: An M.D. Weighs In

In a new report for Worldwatch Institute, Dr. Samuel Myers outlines the impacts of global environmental change on human health in compelling detail, from the increases in certain infectious diseases...

These Farmers Get Subsidies for Pushing Up Daisies

Last night, Stephen Stock -- lead investigative reporter for Florida's CBS-TV 4's I-Team -- aired a report on people collecting taxpayer-funded farm subsidies for years after they've died. Stephen's...

Not in my cosmetics: The Series

If you love EWG's Skin Deep database, then this series is for you. If you've never even heard of our Skin Deep database, this series is also for you. And for pretty much anyone else on the planet who...

Will Big Ag Boycott Comedy after Al Gore's Latest Inconvenient Truths?

Big Ag is taking a beating from Al Gore's recent green blitz of late night comedy shows. On tour promoting his new book, Our Choice, the former VP and Nobel Prize and Oscar winner has been blunt in...

Being in the game is one thing. Changing it is another.

Changing a baby's can be more of a public service than anything else. I'll never forget when I did it on a non-stop flight from Newark, NJ to Japan with two young boys.

WTO Doesn't 'Cotton' to US Subsidies

Brazil announces retaliatory trade sanctions on U.S. products after World Trade Organization targets U.S. cotton subsidies. Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Freedman writes that: "The WTO gave Brazil...

Attack of the Frankenfoods: Genetically Engineered Crops Use 26% More Pesticides, and Growing

The dedicated folks at The Organic Center released a hard hitting report today, Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use: The First Thirteen Years.

Cell Phone Radiation Series - Part 4: What phones emit, bodies absorb

Research is not yet settled on exactly how dangerous cell phone radiation is to your health. But we at Environmental Working Group have seen enough studies with enough troubling results that we think...

EWG's Ken Cook Voted Huffington Post's Ultimate Green Game Changer

Due in part to EWG’s heavily searched farm subsidy database, the Huffington Post nominated EWG president and co-founder Ken Cook as one of its 10 “Ultimate Green Game Changers” and put the final...

High-Low: Playing Poker with the Climate

“Today's high (or low) temperature was an all-time record for this date.” How many times have you heard that? This kind of news has been a staple of local weather forecasts for decades. And if you'd...
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