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Displaying 3061 - 3080 of 4062

EWG Shopper's Guide to Safe Cosmetics: It's Easy

If you're a regular Enviroblog reader, likely as not you've searched our Skin Deep database once or twice (or if you're like me, every time you head to the store). Maybe to find safer products for...

Mercury in light bulbs

I am a careful shopper. Very careful. Unlike most Americans, I read labels -- even the fine print on my shampoo that says what type of preservative they are using. Heck, it's what I do for a living...

Phthalates, phthalates everywhere

National Research Council tells EPA: cumulative risk assessment of phthalates and other toxic chemicals is urgently needed A real victory for both human and environmental health has been achieved...

Santa, please bring me toxin-free fragrance

My world has changed much since I arrived at EWG in 2006. Unlike most of the other staff members, I don't have a background in science. I studied journalism and public relations. To be honest, most of...

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel does bang-up job on BPA

Our hats are off to the top-notch reporters at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel who have invested time, energy and considerable expertise to daylight important pieces of the puzzle that is bisphenol-A...

Warning: this pesticide may be toxic to children and fish

This fall, EPA approved re-registration of antibacterial soap ingredient triclosan for yet another five years of use in consumer products, potentially leaving human and environmental health at great...

Green Moms Carnival Says: Prevent It, Already!

Every month a few of this country's impressive green mom bloggers identify a single topic to write about, each on their own blogs but (thankfully) posted all in one place as the Green Moms Carnival...

FDA Fish Folly

The following is a guest post from EWG Senior Analyst Sonya Lunder. Ah, December. Season of holiday lights, office parties and weekly announcements of Bush Administration actions to weaken health...

Time to say goodbye to Steve

There are two things that the end of a year and the end of an administration have in common: most of the people are happy to see them gone, and they reflect on the missed opportunities and regrets...

EWG Comments on the California Air Resources Board Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan

With these comments, EWG directs the California Air Resources Board's attention to deficiencies in the Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan with respect to agriculture. At present, the Plan...

What's in Washington's water?

I paddle my touring kayak in the Potomac but never a whitewater kayak - never have wanted to practice self-rescues and rolls in that water. Okay, I know, there are world champion kayakers here in DC...

New Canadian legislation reveals toxic chemicals in neighborhoods

Once again, our neighbor Canada is leading the way in the fight to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals. Toronto has become the first city in Canada to require businesses to disclose the toxic chemicals...

Where have all the bees gone

European bees are dying. Just in last two years, Italy has lost almost half its bees. There are many reasons for this trend -- climate change, pesticide use in agriculture, changing diets and...

Greening Santa's Workshop: Eco gifts in the blogosphere

Now that it's December, I feel safe discussing gifts. Just because my neighbors turn on their life-size candy canes before Thanksgiving doesn't mean I have to think about holiday gifts before the...

FDA's moving goalposts on melamine in infant formula

Even though the global economic crisis has to be at the top of the incoming administration's agenda, President-elect Obama has signaled he isn't forgetting the other reason so many people voted for...

Melamine in formula: Another round with the FDA

When the FDA says "there's no reason for any parent to be concerned for any reason," I want to roll my eyes. So when FDA spokesperson Judy Leon said exactly that about its recent discovery of melamine...

A change at the top

As has been widely reported, California Representative Henry Waxman, chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will replace Michigan’s John Dingell as chair of the powerful...

Where have all the frogs gone?

Earth in Mind, a book by notable environmental educator David Orr, opens with two memorable and frightening statistics: Male sperm counts worldwide have fallen by 50% since 1938; There has been a...

Gulf War Illness: As clear as the nose on your face

If you follow environmental health policy, then you're well aware that there are more than a few folks out there who continue to assure us that low-dose exposures to toxic chemicals don't harm human...
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