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Areas of Focus

Displaying 3481 - 3500 of 4062

Childhood obesity increases dramatically

Recent reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that currently over 17% of kids in the USA are overweight, and the number has tripled over the past 20 years. Childhood...

Prenatal PFC exposure:<br>The weight just won't stick

That babies are being born with man-made chemicals in their bloodstreams isn't news in these parts, but the results of two studies released this month indicate direct physical effects from prenatal...

SMM: iCount video bonanza

D&AD, a British organization which gives yearly awards for creativity in design, made sustainability the name of the game this year when they built part of their student film competition around iCount...

5 things accomplished faster than sunscreen regulations

It's been nearly 30 years since the FDA acknowledged the need for sunscreen industry regulations, but it isn't because crafting regulations is too difficult a task for the U.S. government. It took the...

FDA proposes sunscreen regulations

Twenty-eight years after they first pledged to implement safety standards for sunscreens, the FDA has proposed regulations that would (among other things) require manufacturers to label sunscreens...

WaPo ignores BPA in baby formula

The hot topic among mothers at a play group this weekend was bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles. That's a shame, because it means those mothers -- and the Washington Post -- missed some crucial science...

Marie Claire: What's your shoe size?

I walk to work everyday. It's because I live in a walkable city, because I live fairly close to the office, because it's good for the planet and because I enjoy the exercise -- oh yeah, and because I...

Change the Mining Law

Mining laws have not changed since 1872 in the US. The General Mining Law of 1872 still rules mining hard rock metals, does not require royalties and sets no environmental safeguards. A new EWG report...

Clothing, preserved

Formaldehyde may bring back fragrant memories of dissecting frogs in high school, but you wouldn't want to rub the stuff onto your skin -- or your children's. But a New Zealand study found that...

SMM: Stupid? Smart? How about some of each.

Things to do: replace old, inefficient incandescent light bulbs with new, energy-saving CLFs. Things not to do: poke self or others with cattle prod. Got it? Good. See more at

Mercury (protests) rising

The keystroke is mightier than the sword

I know, I know. If you're reading Enviroblog, there's a pretty good chance you already care about the environment. But not everyone does, and this newfangled citizen media stuff just might be a good...

Are D.C. residents being scammed on water quality?

D.C.'s Water and Sewer Authority put out a warning this month that unsolicited tap water testing kits were being left at the doors of residents in at least one neighborhood. Those who filled the...

Ask EWG: Arsenic on my new house's deck?

Question: My husband and I are thinking of buying this great old house with a big back deck, but I remember reading something about how wood used on decks can be dangerous. We've got a two year old...

Outside the Box: Payments or principles?

Every day people decide whether to adhere to or stray from their principles, or whether to commit to or hedge on their ideas. Unfortunately, money often forces people to compromise on both. This weekâ...

FOE's nanotech no-no

Sometimes the little stuff makes a big difference.

'If you love your child, move'

Where's the worst air in America? Los Angeles, with its freeways gridlocked with smog-spewing cars? Houston, where petrochemical plants pump out their poisons 24 hours a day?

Stewardship for all Creation

What will it take to get presidential candidates to commit to stopping human-caused global warming?

LA water company takes 5 minutes for fluoride

On Aug. 20, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which supplies drinking water to Los Angeles, San Diego and four other counties, will be briefed on the health risks of water...

Maybe you should skip the seafood special...

Although the revelation that over 1 million pounds of suspect seafood from China was allowed into the country is woefully late, better late than never.
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