
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2953 - 2976 of 7439

Antibacterial: Not just for soap anymore

Although most shoppers probably don't know it, "antibacterial" isn't just for soap anymore. From sports clothing to cutting boards, deodorants, and children's toys, a wide range of consumer products...

Carbon sequestration: Bubbly water for everyone!

So, how do you feel about bubbly water? EPA has issued an initial rule on carbon sequestration -- that's where coal plants and other major carbon dioxide sources pump the gas into the ground, where...

Relaxing the relaxed standards?

The relationship between government and the cosmetics industry has been a cozy one for many years. The multi-billion dollar cosmetics industry has always been a self-regulating one, and in fact, FDA...

Chemical injections in Colorado

What does the phrase 'chemical injections' make you think of? Vaccines? Maybe Botox? Oil and gas mining probably doesn't spring to mind when you hear talk of chemical injections -- but maybe it should...

Protecting Alaska?

This is one last post by EWG social media intern Akua, who wrapped up her internship here this month. We wish her the best of luck! The Bureau of Land Management, an agency responsible for the...

Confidential information

In last week's edition of Mixed Greens we talked about a recent study of the effects of PFOA, a persistent perfluorochemical with toxic effects on the liver, thyroid and immune system. That study...

A farmer's 'come to Jesus' moment

NPR ran a great story the other day called “One Family, Two Views on How to Run Iowa Farm.” Lavon and Craig Griffieon, a farming couple from Ankeny, Iowa shared their concerns about the economic...

When government won't step in

This is the final post by EWG social media intern Howie. Thanks for all your hard work, Howie, and good luck in the future! Accountability in the world of industrial pollution is a wonderful thing...

Cheatsheet: volatile organic compounds

What are they? Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are gasses that enter the air through the routine use of a wide variety of household products, from paints and pesticides to arts and crafts supplies...

Going for the Gold

EWG social media intern Akua was lucky enough to score a ticket to the Goldman Environmental Prize ceremony -- these are her thoughts. This year’s Goldman Environmental Prizes were awarded to 7...

EnviroLinks: Firm but polite

In an excellent example of how to make a point respectfully, Beth has penned a letter to a retreat center she spent last weekend at. It reads "Hey, love you guys -- no, seriously, totally love you --...

Cheatsheet: Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)

What is it? Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) are widely-used water, grease and stain repellents. They're found in carpets and on clothes, on fast-food wrappers, and on the inner lining of pet food bags...

Will California's condors be unleaded?

I’m having a hard time with this post. The issue seems so obvious, so clearly-cut, that there can’t possibly be much left for me to say. Lead bullets poison people in firing ranges, animals in the...

Officials refrain from dumping toxic sludge into Elliott Bay;<br>Mom not impressed

I was never rewarded for doing chores when I was a child. I was a part of the household, my mother told me, and she wasn’t going to applaud or pay me just because I did my part to help out. I think...

Three ways Congress can give the CPSC teeth

Look up “toothless tiger” in the dictionary, and you’ll see a picture of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Or at least that’s the impression given by the media and many of those...

Envirohealth News: Cancer risk from cell phones?

PBDE uptake patterns appear to be changing. In a study of families in Spain, the presence of specific chemicals mirrored that usually seen in electronics employees. There may be a relationship between...

9/10/07: EnviroHealth News

Asthma goes back to school. In LA, 63,000 students battle breathing problems caused by air pollution and moldy buildings. Can they carry their inhalers at school? Nobody seems sure. FEMA trailer...

Canadian politicians find there’s no escaping BPA

You don’t need me to tell you that poor folks are more likely to find themselves dealing with illnesses induced by environmental toxins (although clearly if you give me half a chance I will). Most...

Ask EWG: What can I do about fluoride in my water?

Question:I recently read a report in which EWG recommended using carbon filtration to filter tap water for drinking. The report pointed out that carbon filtering is less expensive than reverse osmosis...

SMM: iCount video bonanza

D&AD, a British organization which gives yearly awards for creativity in design, made sustainability the name of the game this year when they built part of their student film competition around iCount...

FDA proposes sunscreen regulations

Twenty-eight years after they first pledged to implement safety standards for sunscreens, the FDA has proposed regulations that would (among other things) require manufacturers to label sunscreens...

WaPo ignores BPA in baby formula

The hot topic among mothers at a play group this weekend was bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles. That's a shame, because it means those mothers -- and the Washington Post -- missed some crucial science...

Marie Claire: What's your shoe size?

I walk to work everyday. It's because I live in a walkable city, because I live fairly close to the office, because it's good for the planet and because I enjoy the exercise -- oh yeah, and because I...

Change the Mining Law

Mining laws have not changed since 1872 in the US. The General Mining Law of 1872 still rules mining hard rock metals, does not require royalties and sets no environmental safeguards. A new EWG report...