
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3577 - 3600 of 7438

Actor and Advocate Mark Ruffalo Applauds House Bills To Increase Infrastructure Funding for ‘Forever Chemicals’

Actor and environmental advocate Mark Ruffalo applauded the introduction of sweeping infrastructure legislation introduced by key House committees that would provide $3.5 billion over the next five...

California To List Notorious ‘Forever Chemical’ as a Cause of Cancer in People

The top state scientific agency charged with protecting Californians from toxic chemicals has proposed adding the “forever chemical” PFOA to the list of substances known to the state to cause cancer...

EWG Comments to Oregon Health Authority to Revise Its Report “Wireless Technology Health Risks”

The Environmental Working Group submitted comments to Oregon Health Authority, calling on the OHA to revise its report “Wireless Technology Health Risks” by including the latest findings from human...

EWG Letter EPA on Solvay's Failure to Submit Key Health and Safety Studies

The Environmental Working Group submitted a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency requesting TSCA 8(e) enforcement for Solvay’s failure to submit key health and safety studies within a timely...

EWG Testimony Maine Legislative Document No. 164

The Environmental Working Group submitted testimony to the Maine Committee on Health and Human Services on Legislative Document No. 164, An Act To Establish Maximum Contaminant Levels under the State...

Watch for This Harmful Chemical in Your Soda

Most people know that soda contains sweetener and carbonation, but they may not be aware of an ingredient in some soft drinks that can harm the nervous system – brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, a...

EWG News Roundup (1/22): Toxic Pesticides That President Biden Should Target, EPA Takes Initial Steps To Regulate PFAS and More

EWG News Roundup (1/22): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (1/29): Solvay Fails to Report PFAS Risk, Coalition Stages Hearing to Hold Duke Energy Accountable and More

EWG News Roundup (1/29): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG applauds House bill to set deadlines for military facilities to clean up ‘forever chemicals’

The Environmental Working Group today applauded Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) for introducing legislation to set cleanup deadlines for Defense Department facilities contaminated with the toxic...

EWG applauds bill to ban 'forever chemicals' from cosmetics

The Environmental Working Group is today applauding Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) for introducing legislation to ban the use of toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS in cosmetics.

EWG news roundup (7/2): Cover crops planting plateaus across the Midwest, ‘forever chemicals’ legislation introduced and more

EWG news roundup (7/2): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

Interview: Lack of ‘conservation compliance’ highlights need for stricter federal oversight

Farmers are failing to comply with federal “conservation compliance” requirements designed to protect wetlands and soil, according to University of Iowa Associate Professor Silvia Secchi, who says the...

Fact check: Hazardous substance designation for ‘forever chemicals’ is not a ban

Some lawmakers are spinning wild tales about the dire consequences that could result if legislation passes that would jumpstart the cleanup of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. The facts...

Bisphenol A - what are the sources of exposure?

On January 28, 2009, Susanne Rust of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on a new finding that endocrine disruptor and suspected cancer-causing chemical Bisphenol A may stay in the human body much...

Two toxic chemicals out of the children's toys, hundreds more to go

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, aimed at keeping lead and toxic plastic chemicals called phthalates out of children's toys, went into effect yesterday.

We Oregonians love our public transit

It's no surprise to Enviroblog readers that transportation spending has long been tilted toward highways and away from transit - and commuters have been the losers. In fact, EWG found that between...

Scientists: Lead contamination in drinking water is never safe.

When are traces of lead in drinking water dangerous? The better question is, when aren't they?

The call for citizen involvement: It's loud, clear & important

When John F. Kennedy gave his famous "Ask not what your country can do for you" inaugural speech in 1961, I wasn't alive. But I've long loved that line, as do so many others. Not because he stressed...

A signature can save the Grand Canyon

Special to Enviroblog by Dusty Horwitt, EWG Analyst Within moments of taking office, Secretary of the Interior-designate Ken Salazar (D-CO), has an opportunity with the sweep of his pen to protect the...

Something fishy about the fish....oh, wait, it's mercury

It was all over the news few weeks ago. On December 12, Environmental Working Group published a report called Mercury Mischief at FDA, disclosing internal documents from the federal Food and Drug...

FDA's moving goalposts on melamine in infant formula

Even though the global economic crisis has to be at the top of the incoming administration's agenda, President-elect Obama has signaled he isn't forgetting the other reason so many people voted for...

EWG Says: The BPA's Gotta Go

Well BPA sure has been in the news a lot lately, huh? And with good reason. We're following the goings on closely, and adding our voice to the debate. We recently sent a letter to top infant formula...

Are we using the best available science to prevent breast cancer?

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and as we pause to think about the consequences of breast cancer for ourselves and our families, a question presents itself - how can we best use the...

Don't mess with my milk!

Last week I met one of the co-founders and current director of Make our Milk Safe (aka M.O.M.S.), an inspiring Oakland-based grassroots group that is fighting hard around the country to get toxic...