
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4921 - 4944 of 7435

East L.A. says no more BPA

1,000 BPA-free baby bottles landed in east Los Angeles last week.

Peach & Pesticide Pie: a summer favorite?

Late summer produce harvest season is in full swing. Nothing should stand between you and all the peaches, berries, and tomatoes you can eat.

The greatest advertising trick of all time

We've studied bottled water a lot. You've probably seen our recent report on inadequate labeling (and our search tool for identifying better-labeled brands), and you might even have heard our...

Tell Del Monte: No more BPA!

Several months ago, EWG helped break news of a secret meeting convened at a fancy private club in Washington, where lobbyists from the chemical industry and food companies hatched a plot to mislead...

New York Times seduced by fragrance industry

A recent New York Times article glowingly portrays the lucrative business of developing patented fragrance ingredients, likening these new and exclusive fragrance chemicals to patented active...

Mixed Greens 004: All About Food

This edition of EWG's podcast Mixed Greens is all about food -- and it's dedicated to celebrity chef Tyler Florence. You can subscribe in iTunes or in a reader, or listen right here in your browser...

Under fire

Every year, billions of gallons of fire retardants are dropped on forests across the nation. Those chemicals take their toxic toll, but then, so do forest fires. In fact, the National Interagency Fire...

Future generations to face rising infertility rates

We've been talking about this for years--chemical exposures do add up and can have adverse health effects, including chronic diseases and infertility. A new study, published in the British Medical...

Grand Canyon threatened: Road trip, anyone?

If you've never been to the Grand Canyon, you might want to get there soon. The Forest Service has approved drilling for uranium at as many as 39 sites near the Grand Canyon’s south rim, and we have...

The science has spoken –- will policy makers listen?

New USGS study cites Farms in 9 States Causing the Dead Zone Problem This week, the U.S. Geological Survey released a report showing that farms in just 9 states cause 75 % of the nitrogen and...

Mixed Greens 002: Mmm, rocket fuel! Plus, ditch the anti-bacterial soap.

In this second edition of EWG's podcast Mixed Greens, we discuss the possible connections between plastics and obesity, the rocket fuel in our drinking water, and more! Give 'er a listen below, or...

White House worked to weaken pollution reporting for communities

In response to White House pressure, the U.S. EPA broke its own longstanding procedures for scientific and economic review of pollution reporting rules for thousands of factories nationwide in a bid...

Play the dirty air game!

Imagine you're a board member of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. The Valley has the dirtiest air in California, including four of the 10 smoggiest cities in the country...

Hair product, or tasty treat?

"If you can't put it in your mouth," says Burt's Bees CEO John Replogle, "you shouldn't put it on your skin." Then, according to New York Times reporter Louise Story, he scoops out a fingerful of the...

The culprit: Consumption or population growth?

The number 32 didn't mean much to me until today, when I read an op-ed by the amazing Jared Diamond in The New York Times. According to him: "To mathematicians, 32 is an interesting number: it's 2...

Toxic children's toys signal time for reform

In what is only the nation's second largest toy recall this year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a recall of more than one million lead-painted toys.

Ask EWG: Is hydroponic produce organic?

This is our first Ask EWG video! We're pretty excited about it, but as a small nonprofit that focuses on research we're just getting the hang of this YouTube thing. If you've got any comments...

Pepsi to label Aquafina tap water

Ahh . . . there's nothing quite like a cold refreshing bottle of $2 tap water. In a surprising decision to call a spade a spade, Pepsi has agreed to change the label on its Aquafina bottled water to...

Before you send your children out to play in the yard...

It was recently revealed in a new study that among some of the other “ingredients” that can be found in fertilizers Americans use on their lawns and gardens are steroids, drugs and fragrances. How...

Organics: Growing bigger every day

I read blogs for a living. Okay, I also write, and edit, and coordinate, and track numbers, and a whole host of other things. But every day I receive links to interesting, diverse blogs where people...

Last Action Hero: The Sequel

A couple of months ago, I ranted against the mainstream news media's rush to hail Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as an environmental hero.

Ask EWG: Why is there Teflon in clothes? Is it safe?

Question: I recently purchased school uniform shirts for my child and was horrified to find Dupont Teflon fabric protector stickers on the packaging. When I wrote to the company the agent said that...

Carnival of the Green #82

Hello and Welcome to TreeHugger's 82nd Carnival of the Green! If this week's link list just isn't enough eco-info for you, have a look at last week's round-up at Victoria E's. Next week you can get...

Deceptive incentives

During the G8 meeting last week, the leaders of some of the world's richest countries discussed their interest in paying the global south to keep rainforests intact.