
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 769 - 792 of 7442

More testing for Teflon-related health effects in West Virginia

An independent panel responsible for determining health effects of the Teflon chemical C-8 are disatisfied with the design of the initial study which only measured death rates among workers at the...

It's dust to dust in "treehugger hippy heaven"

GroovyGreen brings us this video about GreenSprings Natural Cemetery in New York. It's a good intro to the philosophies and practices behind the growing green burial movement. Green burials strive for...

"Low Mercury" Becomes Marketing Claim

In the next logical step after some grocery chains voluntarily putting mercury warnings at their seafood counters, one company is now marketing low-mercury fish to consumers worried about its...

If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em

Two stories from the weekend worth reading, at the Salt Lake Tribune and Living on Earth, highlight a nascent conservation movement in response to the federal government's poor Western land management...

Wal-Mart Goes Green?

Check out the New York Times for a rundown of the impressive environmental initiatives the nation's largest retailer is undertaking. Wal-Mart plans to double fuel economy on its delivery trucks...

Supermarkets Post Mercury Warnings

Safeway and Albertsons grocery chains have new additions to the seafood counter signs warning consumers of health concerns associated with consuming fish with high levels of mercury. The signs are...

Gov't Eliminates Drilling Reviews

The Bush administration continues to combat the country's energy problems with industry giveaways, now allowing oil and gas drilling permits on public lands to be issued without environmental reviews...

New Study Will Examine Link Between Environment, Disease

The National Institutes of Health are launching a study that will follow 100,000 American children from birth to adulthood in the hopes of pinning down possible environmental causes of many common...

Washington Begins Biomonitoring Program

The Washington State Toxics Coalition and the Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition have started body burden testing on 10 people in the Puget Sound area, looking for pesticides, heavy metals, PCBs, fire...

Coastal Women Have Highest Mercury Levels

The Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin reports on a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study that shows that U.S. women living near a coast have higher levels than women living inland.

EPA Moves to Reduce Companies' Pollution Disclosure

The Environmental Protection Agency has released a proposal designed to lift the "regulatory burden" from polluters by allowing them to skip reporting "small" releases of toxic chemicals, and reduce...

Oregon Tuna Lower in Mercury

As an update to last week's post on high mercury levels in supermarket tuna samples, the Eugene Register-Guard provides incentives for eating locally-caught fish: lower mercury, higher omega-3s and...

Mercury High in Storebought Fish

AP reports that University of North Carolina tests in 21 states found average mercury levels in tuna and swordfish at 1.1 parts per million, over the government's limit of 1 ppm. The samples came from...

Subsidy Disclosures Across The Pond

Read about an Irish executive, the Dutch Minister of Agriculture (who's appearing before Parliament on September 1 to explain) and get the full picture from the Wall Street Journal's European edition...

Teflon Attorneys Win Trial Lawyer Award

Six West Viriginia and Ohio lawyers received the 2005 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award from the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice Foundation July 26 for their work on behalf of residents drinking Teflon...

Flame Retardants Found in Farmed Salmon

A study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology shows that farmed salmon accumulates higher levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) a chemical flame retardant used in...

American Medical Association Urges FDA to Assess Canned Tuna to Determine if Warning Labels Are Needed

The American Medical Association (AMA), the national professional organization for all physicians in the United States, has adopted a resolution that includes the following recommendation: "Given the...

Demand Gone Wild for Wild Salmon

The Oregonian reports consumers are increasingly choosing healthy wild salmon instead of PCB-laden farmed salmon. Studies over the past year by EWG and others have shown that farmed salmon has far...

Farm Businesses Should Not Have Been Granted the Right to Pollute

A New York Times headline this month (Nov, 13) read: “The Problem is Clear: The Water is Filthy.” It should have read: “The Problem is Clear: Agriculture Granted the Right to Make the Water Filthy.”

Join the Fight to Provide Healthy Food for Struggling Families

For those of us lucky enough to sit down every day to healthy, nutritious meals, it's easy to forget that millions of American families in the grip of the recession are struggling to put food on the...

Hackers Unite to Visualize a Healthy Farm Bill

Making sense of the complex farm bill is the first step in bringing much-needed change to America's badly broken food and farm system.

Regulation Works

The Mississippi River is alive again here as it flows through the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Once again, this urban river runs clear and its waters are a world-class fishery for walleye, sauger...

Making a Good Farm Bill Program Better: Specialty Crop Grants in California

Compared to the billions that the government pays to subsidize industrial-scale growers of commodity crops such as corn, rice and soybeans, federal farm bill spending to promote cultivation and...

Put a Pitchfork In It

Speaker Boehner was right to put a fork – a pitchfork – in one of the worst pieces of farm and food legislation in decades.