
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2761 - 2784 of 7455

EWG news roundup (10/15): Calif. Gov. Newsom signs groundbreaking ‘forever chemicals’ bills, the FDA bans lead acetate in hair dyes and more

EWG news roundup (10/15): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

California lead pipeline replacements are welcome but lack vital health safeguards

Water utilities across California are taking the welcome step of replacing lead pipelines, a much-needed effort to get the known neurotoxin out of drinking water. But information obtained by EWG...

EWG study: UVA protection of most sunscreens only a quarter of touted SPF

Many sunscreens offer just a quarter of their stated SPF protection against ultraviolet A rays that increase the risk of skin cancer, a new Environmental Working Group study finds.

EWG news roundup (10/22): EPA rolls out PFAS roadmap, food additives to watch for this Halloween and more

EWG news roundup (10/22): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG comments California OEHHA on public health goals for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water

The Environmental Working Group, along with 19 environmental and public health organizations, submitted comments to California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment in support of the...

Nitrate contaminates drinking water for almost 60 million people in cities across the country

Drinking water supplies for almost 60 million people living in major cities and other urban areas throughout the U.S. are contaminated with elevated levels of nitrate, according to a new EWG analysis. Nitrate is a pollutant linked to cancer and potentially dangerous for infants. Since nitrate in drinking water is commonly caused by agriculture, it is widely considered to be a rural, small-town

EWG promotes two staff members to lead Midwest office, geospatial team

The Environmental Working Group has tapped two staff members for promotions to key leadership positions in the organization’s Midwest office, in Minneapolis

EPA finds PFAS are more toxic than previously thought

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that safe levels of exposure to PFAS – the levels at which harms might not occur – should be thousands of times lower than limits it first proposed...

EWG news roundup (11/19): Congress moves to tackle PFAS in firefighting foam and food packaging, tips for a healthy Thanksgiving and more

EWG news roundup (11/19): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

FDA, not food companies, should decide whether green tea extract is safe

Consuming green tea is associated with several health benefits, such as reduced cancer risk, impacts on weight loss and lower LDL cholesterol. Credit for these effects often goes to a compound...

EWG: In the Mississippi River region, retiring frequently flooded fields could save billions in crop insurance payouts

Farmers received almost $1.5 billion in federal crop insurance payments from 2001 to 2020 for flood-related crop losses in the Mississippi River Critical Conservation Area, a region increasingly...

Lose the lilial: European Union ban shows risks of chemical in cosmetics

The European Union’s ban on lilial as an ingredient in cosmetics recently took effect, serving as a timely reminder of the need to end use of the chemical in U.S. personal care products.

EWG comments on EPA's preliminary plan 15

Attached is EWG and other groups’ comments on the EPA’s Preliminary Effluent Limitations Guidelines Plan 15.

NEW: EWG’s 2022 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

Today the Environmental Working Group announced that strawberries, spinach and leafy greens are again the top offenders on its 2022 Dirty Dozen™ – a list of the most pesticide-contaminated fresh...

Timeline: Black farmers and the USDA

Timeline: Black farmers and the USDA, 1920 to present

Pervasive phthalates: New study links child exposure to cancer

Exposure to phthalates is widespread in the U.S., with more than three in four adults having detectable levels of the chemicals in their urine. And now a new study suggests an association between...
Consumer Guides

EWG’s quick tips for reducing your diet's climate footprint

The way we eat has a direct impact on the climate crisis, and there are steps everyone can take to rethink their diets in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

PG&E CEO earned more than $50 million in 2021

While millions of California families struggled financially in 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic, Pacific Gas & Electric’s CEO made over $50 million for leading the reviled utility with a history...

EWG news roundup (4/15): Food industry (not FDA) approves new food chemicals, PG&E CEO made more than $50 million in 2021 and more

EWG news roundup (4/15): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG letter published in JAMA Oncology: 'Evidence Base on the Potential Carcinogenicity of Radiofrequency Radiation'

Recent research points to the cancer risks caused by radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication devices, EWG says in a letter this week to JAMA Oncology’s editor.

Climate change isn’t high priority for $1.2 billion USDA farm stewardship program

One of the Department of Agriculture’s largest farm stewardship programs doesn’t make a big enough priority of helping farmers reduce greenhouse gases – even though food and farming emissions keep...

FDA announces voluntary recall of infant rice cereal after tests find high arsenic levels

The Food and Drug Administration is announcing a voluntary recall of Beech-Nut Stage 1 Single Grain Rice Cereal after the State of Alaska discovered samples that contained inorganic arsenic levels...

For the FDA, toxic chemicals are a kitchen table issue

When Dr. Janet Woodcock, acting commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, testifies before a Senate spending committee on Thursday, she will likely face a lot of questions about toxic...