
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3217 - 3240 of 7454

Low level lead exposure causes lowered IQ

Blood lead level considered "safe" by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control: 10 µg/dL Blood lead level shown to have a negative impact on intellectual functioning: 5-9.9 µg/dL Child IQ at these levels...

Three more things you can do to help the planet

Somehow, nearly 20 years after the publication of 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth, the fact that our everyday decisions can have an impact on the future of the planet is still news. It's...

SMM: The Garbage Game

I played The Gotham Gazette Garbage Game and sent 1,897,871 tons of refuse across 121,224 miles. Okay, so I'm not really sure if my score is very good, but the game was interesting. The Garbage Game...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Bad news for the bay

A little light reading. . . It's looking like the farm bill debate will resume in the Senate this morning. Meanwhile, The Washington Times is confused about payment limits. Dan Owens at CFRA...

What's in Baby's bubble bath?

By now you've heard of Skin Deep, the cosmetics database in which you can search through 23,764 products with 6,924 ingredients. Skin Deep allows users to choose products -- mascara, shampoo, nail...

Organic: Better for the planet, better for your health

For years governments have made a point of saying that there's no nutritional benefit to organic foods. Now they may have to eat their words. A European Union funded study of organic and non-organic...

What happened at Brofiscin Quarry?

It wasn't a dark and stormy night when Douglas Gowan was called to investigate the deaths of livestock on a farm near Brofiscin Quarry in South Wales. Other than that, though, his story reads like a...

A fish called Sally: The truth about mercury, omega 3s, and pregnancy

Washington Post reporter Sally Squires toed the fishing industry line in her front-page article on the recommendations issued by the industry through the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Factory farming the ocean, plus garlic up your nose

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Factory farms in the ocean? Smorgasbord tells you what you need to know about offshore aquaculture. Another way to reduce consumption: share stuff...

Something stinks, but it’s not what you think

As a soon-to-be first time parent, I have spent many a weekend wandering the aisles at Babies 'R' Us and Buy Buy Baby getting all the things we need in preparation for the arrival of the new boss...

Earthworms in the coal mine

Ah, the lowly earthworm. As the animal kingdom goes, it doesn't get more humble -- and as far as agriculture goes, it hardly gets more important. Without earthworms to plow up the undersoil and leave...

What's not for dinner? Wild salmon

One of the glories of life in Northern California is the annual harvest of wild chinook salmon. We mark the beginning of summer by the first backyard barbecue of grilled chinook (although many people...

Look, up in the sky: It's the green governor

Sacramento's not such a bad place: The summer heat and lousy air quality are balanced by the outdoor recreational opportunities and an unpretentious, small-town feel. But if you're a international...

EnviroLinks: Lassie's got nothin' on this girl

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Mmm, phthalates! Kathy at Safe Mama gives us another easy way to reduce our exposure. Eat your heart out, Lassie. Dizzy the recycling dog is...

New York Times seduced by fragrance industry

A recent New York Times article glowingly portrays the lucrative business of developing patented fragrance ingredients, likening these new and exclusive fragrance chemicals to patented active...

Mixed Greens 004: All About Food

This edition of EWG's podcast Mixed Greens is all about food -- and it's dedicated to celebrity chef Tyler Florence. You can subscribe in iTunes or in a reader, or listen right here in your browser...

Under fire

Every year, billions of gallons of fire retardants are dropped on forests across the nation. Those chemicals take their toxic toll, but then, so do forest fires. In fact, the National Interagency Fire...

Future generations to face rising infertility rates

We've been talking about this for years--chemical exposures do add up and can have adverse health effects, including chronic diseases and infertility. A new study, published in the British Medical...

Before you send your children out to play in the yard...

It was recently revealed in a new study that among some of the other “ingredients” that can be found in fertilizers Americans use on their lawns and gardens are steroids, drugs and fragrances. How...

Organics: Growing bigger every day

I read blogs for a living. Okay, I also write, and edit, and coordinate, and track numbers, and a whole host of other things. But every day I receive links to interesting, diverse blogs where people...

Last Action Hero: The Sequel

A couple of months ago, I ranted against the mainstream news media's rush to hail Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as an environmental hero.

Ask EWG: Why is there Teflon in clothes? Is it safe?

Question: I recently purchased school uniform shirts for my child and was horrified to find Dupont Teflon fabric protector stickers on the packaging. When I wrote to the company the agent said that...

Carnival of the Green #82

Hello and Welcome to TreeHugger's 82nd Carnival of the Green! If this week's link list just isn't enough eco-info for you, have a look at last week's round-up at Victoria E's. Next week you can get...

Deceptive incentives

During the G8 meeting last week, the leaders of some of the world's richest countries discussed their interest in paying the global south to keep rainforests intact.