
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6145 - 6168 of 7456

The real problem with fake grass

I suffer every spring in Washington DC because of the smell of the fake grass that surrounds my apartment building, my walk to work, my walk in the park, my walk pretty much anywhere. I am not super...

New studies show heightened toxics risks in newborns

Newborn babies are more intensely exposed than previously documented to contamination by bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic estrogen and ubiquitous plastic component, according to two new studies...

Autism: There's more of it, not just better detection

Special to Enviroblog by Sonya Lunder, EWG Senior Researcher A study published earlier this week confirmed what parents of children with autism have argued for years--that the dramatic increase in...

Phthalates, phthalates everywhere

National Research Council tells EPA: cumulative risk assessment of phthalates and other toxic chemicals is urgently needed A real victory for both human and environmental health has been achieved...

Where have all the bees gone

European bees are dying. Just in last two years, Italy has lost almost half its bees. There are many reasons for this trend -- climate change, pesticide use in agriculture, changing diets and...

A change at the top

As has been widely reported, California Representative Henry Waxman, chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will replace Michigan’s John Dingell as chair of the powerful...

There are studies. And then there are studies.

By now you're probably familiar with the controversy around the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) failure to consider all available, credible scientific evidence before it reassured the public...

Where have all the frogs gone?

Earth in Mind, a book by notable environmental educator David Orr, opens with two memorable and frightening statistics: Male sperm counts worldwide have fallen by 50% since 1938; There has been a...

Ready, Set, No Plastic

I've long known about the whole plastics-in-the-ocean problem but never really been struck by it. Does that ever happen to you? It's happened to me plenty of times, where some issue lurks in the back...

Toxic babies

It's hard to talk about pregnancy without talking about a woman's right to give birth to pollution-free babies.

Canada bans flame retardant. The U.S? Not so much.

EWG staffers were pretty thrilled by the recent Canadian government decision to ban the use of Deca, a type of flame retardant, in electronics. Once again, we are left applauding progress to the north...

Monsanto, the FDA, and genetically modified seeds

Here at EWG we spend a lot of time investigating the failure of the Federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to keep our food, water and consumer goods safe. We focus on toxic chemicals, but, as it...

Toxic personal care products for children cont.

Last week was particularly exciting to be at EWG and part of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. The new report shed even more light on an old danger we all know about-- personal care products that our...

Products or politics? What'll it be?

A few weeks back I read Peggy Orenstein's piece The Toxic Paradox in the New York Times Sunday magazine. It hadn't settled all that well with me, so when I saw an Environmental Health News editorial...

Green Moms Carnival: 2009

If you've not happened upon this blog carnival before, I highly recommend it. Each month a group of 20 or so active green mom bloggers choose a single green issue to write about (like climate change...

Pollution portrait of a state reveals over <br />6, 100 violations

We talk often on this blog about how the current system of protection of public health from dangerous chemicals is broken and needs major reform. I am reminded of that every time I come to work, or go...

Breast Cancer Fund study finds strong cancer-chemical link

A new survey of scientific evidence conducted by researchers working with the Breast Cancer Fund makes a persuasive case that the industrialized world's rising breast cancer rate may stem from...

Got funds for that research?

Even though I spent most of my school years trying to avoid science classes as much as possible, I have to acknowledge the importance of science in the lives of people. We need science to help us...

Buyer beware: What's in your bottled water?

By Olga Naidenko, PhD and Nneka Leiba, MPH If I want healthy, tasty, clean drinking water, and I want it today, tomorrow, and for the future, where do I turn? The bottled water industry has a ready...

Poisonous pastime

Since the U.S. banned lead from gasoline and paint in 1978, there has been increasing recognition that even the smallest amounts of lead are extremely hazardous to human health. Basically, scientists...

Coastal women at twice the risk from mercury exposure

Chicago Tribune environmental reporter Michael Hawthorne recently reported on a new study by EPA that found 1 in 5 women of child-bearing age living in coastal states are contaminated with excessive...

Nothing HEHE about the HEHE initiative

Different countries have different responses and initiatives to respond to the global rise of fuel costs. Here in the U.S., we drill more. In Bhutan, they walk more. The new initiative by Dr. Lyonpo...

California Assembly approves ban on Teflon chemical in food packaging

The California State Assembly has adopted first-in-the-nation legislation to ban a toxic Teflon chemical linked to a number of serious health problems, including cancer, from use in food packaging...

Elected officials MIA; Instead, Wal-Mart and Burger King protecting your health

Despite numerous health and consumer safety concerns, California lawmakers fell under the lobbying influence of the chemical industry and rejected the two bills that would ban chemicals from baby...