
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6169 - 6192 of 7456

Tips from the make-up artist

Prior to working at EWG, I was the happy ignorant consumer. I got my cosmetics at the regular drug stores, believing that what I buy is safe, because, otherwise it wouldn’t be there. Since working...

SMM: The Story of Stuff

Free Range Studios has done it again, this time by teaming up with sustainability and environmental health expert Annie Leonard to produce The Story of Stuff, a twenty-minute film documenting the...

Must read: Avoiding World War III

In a post earlier this week, Sierra Club president Carl Pope discusses the "dangerous distraction" of nuclear power: The President in his press conference today was questioned about the new...

There's BPA in infant formula.

Did that get your attention? Unfortunately, it's true. EWG released a report today detailing our analysis of children's exposure to BPA through infant formula. Look for a more detailed post here...

Right above us, and way ahead on curbing chemical exposure

It seems Canada is not only physically above the United States, but ahead of us as well when it comes to reducing the exposure of its most vulnerable populations to toxic chemicals. The Province that...

Chocolates for the environment

Finally, the story I was waiting for- we should all eat more chocolate! I can’t be happier! While there is pretty wide agreement that chocolate is good for you (ok, at least I agree with that)...

Decisions, decisions?

There are two sides to every issue, including global warming. Nope, I am not talking about the "is it really happening" aspect, because we all know there are no questions that our lovely planet is in...

Consumed by air pollution

I grew up in rural western Massachusetts, in an old farmhouse with a brook running through the yard and an old barn in the back. It sounds quaint until you find out who the neighbors were. My...

Trailers exceed maximum formaldehyde exposure levels

Who do you turn to when the government agency that comes to your rescue ends up making you sick? More than a year after initial reports that high levels of formaldehyde in trailers and mobile homes...

CDC confirms: Exposure to BPA exceeds safety standards

A new CDC analysis demonstrates that when it comes to bisphenol A, EPA's so-called safety standards are woefully inadequate. The dose EPA considers safe is based on decades-old data. Many scientists...

Latest recall: Aqua Dots laced with "date rape" drug

I occasionally talk to people who don't understand why lead in children's toys is such a problem. "I grew up exposed to lead paint chips," they say, "and I turned out fine." I might beg to differ -- I...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Tell Senators to support Dorgan-Grassley!

A little light reading. . . but first, a call to action: The Senate began its discussion of the farm bill on Monday, but that doesn't mean it's too late to call your Senator and give him or her your...

Mining reform law passes House 244-166

There's an old joke that asks, "Who's buried in Grant's tomb?" The answer, of course, is President Grant himself ( and, google reveals, his wife), but soon they may have some company. The House voted...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Have a green Halloween!

A little light reading. Happy Halloween! Eco-conscious but on a budget? David at The Good Human has the list you've been looking for: 35 low-cost ways to green your lifestyle. CPSC Chair Nancy Nord is...

Drop in aggressive crime parallels ban on leaded gasoline

It can be hard to prove the correlation between environmental exposures and health implications. Public health advocates that focus on environmental exposures, often speak about general health trends...

Envirohealth News: Crime, unleaded

When a body is exposed to lead it's stored in the bones like calcium, but scientists are just now realizing that it's also released back into the blood like calcium -- including when mothers are...

Prioritize your food dollars with Dr. Greene

You're organic-savvy, right? You already use the Shoppers' Guide to prioritize your produce purchases, but now you're wondering what else you should be considering when it comes to your food dollars...

Eco-nomics, the new kind of economics

If you live in Washington DC, as I do, there are two things that you hear about everywhere you turn- the U.S. presidential election and the economic crisis. The first topic will be resolved quickly...

Mr. Yuk: He's in my house, is he in yours?

So this is a little embarrassing. On the one hand, I'm pleased with myself for getting the Mr. Yuk stickers, preventing my children from sticking them everywhere, and applying them to the grim...

Green Chemistry: Breakthrough or bureaucratic dead end?

This analysis was written by EWG Executive Director Richard Wiles and Senior Analyst Renee Sharp. This session the California Legislature considered no less than eight bills that would have banned or...

Starbucks' massive water waste

There are few things that we can all do without in life. And then, there are some that we definitely can’t do without. Like water. Water has become major a human rights, environmental, and public...

Rocket fuel, yet again

Enviroblog readers are very familiar with the health risks posed by perchlorate, a thyroid hormone disruptor and rocket fuel chemical that contaminates water supplies of millions of Americans in 28...

Who's minding the store? Not the FDA.

Understandably, this week's news media and the blogosphere are brimming with financial news. And BPA stories. Other than generally being very bad news, these two topics might seem worlds apart. But...

Who is Elizabeth Perrott?

Last week EWG published a groundbreaking study showing that levels of chemical fire retardants in the blood of 20 U.S. toddlers and preschoolers were typically three times higher than in their mothers...