
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1657 - 1680 of 7455

EWG's BPA Petition Delivered to Maine Governor

Maine just became the ninth state to ban the use of bisphenol A in baby products.

Watch "Bag It," Then Just Bag It

Plastic pollution: it's everywhere, from the gigantic garbage patch swirling in the Pacific Ocean to the cells of our bodies, a point EWG's President, Ken Cook, makes so well in this recent TEDx talk.

Sen. Lautenberg Introduces Safe Chemicals Act of 2011

Once again, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) is leading the effort to try to contain the constant onslaught of dangerous industrial chemicals on our bodies.

Obama Must Ensure Safe Gas Drilling

By Dusty Horwitt, EWG Senior Counsel President Obama contends that natural gas drilling can help meet his goal of reducing U.S. imported oil consumption by a third by 2020. Yet, in a welcome change...

Earth Day: If you've done one thing, you've done something.

Of course it shouldn't take the arrival of Earth Day to spur us to greater greenness. But the truth of it is, it works. Last year, it was on Earth Day that I (finally!) committed to taking my kids to...

Toxins in Our Kids' Foods: Where is the FDA?

Guest Post by Laurie David and Robyn O'Brien, EWG Board Member Yesterday, in the face of a just- released report by the National Cancer Institute that showed a 9.4% increase in childhood cancer...

Toxic trade mission: US pitched China on toxic medical products

In 2007, two members of Congress traveling on a tax-funded junket scolded a Chinese government official over tainted Chinese-made products, including lead-tainted children's toys, being exported to...

Bottled Water Industry to EWG: Shut Up!

When the head of a public interest group (like, say, EWG) receives a threatening letter from one of the nation's top industry lobbyists, it generally means he's done something right. On January 27...

Take It! EWG's Bottled Water Quiz

Bottled water quiz

Under new law, USDA changes school lunch

In mid-December, as millions of American school children were eagerly anticipating their holiday break of sleeping late and no homework, President Obama signed into law the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids...

Progress: Less lead allowed in water pipes

On Jan. 4, President Obama signed into law theReduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act. The law will reduce the amount of lead allowed in faucets and plumbing fixtures to a tiny fraction of the old...

Spring Clean Your Cosmetics: Go without these 6 ingredients

Thankfully, one can interpret spring cleaning in many ways. Some weed overgrown gardens, others dust every square inch of the house. I like to clear out my pantry and cook a mix matched feast with...

Put toxics on Congress' "to-do" list

Ever wonder if you can really, truly make a difference in an effort for national policy reform? I mean, it's a big country, right? Do policy makers really care that you fervently believe that...

Pesticides: Testing, Kids, Regulation and You

It's hardly news that pesticides can be dangerous and are very worth avoiding - both for your health and the environment. But when your friends and family ask why you bother, having a solid grasp of...

Not-so-smart phones are high in radiation: What about yours?

Among the flood of new smart phones, the Motorola Droid, Blackberry Bold, and Google Nexus One rate high marks from tech reviewers for performance and features. But the reviews and ads don't mention...

US Senate Investigates Chemicals in People

In the past few weeks, EWG staff testified five times to support strong chemical policies at the state and federal levels: in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and the US...

Carnival of the Green #212

212 weeks ago the Carnival of the Green began over a pint of beer in London. Now it bounces from green blog to green blog, week after week, around the world. From EcoJoe's last week right here to EWG...

Cosmetics Safety Series - Part 3: Why it's Time for Personal Care Products to Go on Sale

I was about seven years old, and frustrated from trying to curl my straight, limp hair when my mom taught me a saying she had learned from her mom when she was a young girl: "What price beauty."

Listen up: EWG's Jane Houlihan talks BPA on FOX News

Since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration expressed "some concern" about BPA last week ('bout time), more and more people are wondering whether they should be concerned about it, how they're exposed...

Next Decade's Big Enviro Stories

Climate change dominates the headlines this month, and that's likely to continue well in the new decade. But green issues don't stop there.

Extinguishing Deca: A toxic flame retardant may flicker out

By Lisa Frack "This is the beginning of the end for brominated flame retardants." So said Richard Wiles, EWG senior VP for policy, upon learning last week that the major manufacturers of decaBDE have...

San Francisco considers cell phone radiation law

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is endorsing local legislation that would make that city the first in the country to require such consumer-friendly labeling.

Who would do all this research if EWG weren't around?

Special to Enviroblog by Bonnie Raitt & Erin Brockovich. You know I like giving people something to talk about. Erin's the same way. Some might call us rabble-rousers, but we're just speaking up about...

Being in the game is one thing. Changing it is another.

Changing a baby's can be more of a public service than anything else. I'll never forget when I did it on a non-stop flight from Newark, NJ to Japan with two young boys.