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All Petitions

Get Dangerous Chemicals Out of Our Food!

Chemicals linked to cancer, nervous system harm and immune system harm may be lurking in your pantry. It's time to make our food safe! Please join EWG and urge the FDA to BAN the most dangerous...

Get Glyphosate Out of Our Food!

EWG tests have found shockingly high levels of cancer-linked glyphosate in popular PepsiCo products like Quaker Oats and Sabra Hummus.

But PepsiCo continues to allow this dangerous chemical in...


Recent tests by EWG have revealed shockingly high levels of a cancer-linked fungicide in oranges and other citrus fruits. Imazalil is typically applied to citrus post-harvest to prolong the fruit's...

Tell the EPA: Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides

Neonics have been linked to massive decline in bee populations, and new research suggests they may also harm kids' developing nervous systems and brains.

We have a chance to force the EPA to listen...

Tell Grocery Stores: Say NO to Chlorpyrifos!

Neurotoxic chemicals shouldn't be anywhere near our food, but chlorpyrifos, a pesticide that can harm children's brains even in small doses, may be contaminating the produce you get at your grocery...
Make your voice heard
Make your voice heard. Tell Congress NOT to overturn local pesticide laws!
Ban Paraquat in California!

Join EWG in calling on California to ban parkinson's linked paraquat.

Take Action on the 2024 Farm Bill

 Join EWG in calling on Congress to support a 2024 Farm Bill that protects the environment and does not worsen hunger!

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With the donation of $15 or more, we'll send you EWG's Guide to Safer Sunscreens bag tag.

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Urge your congressional representatives to protect our health and the environment!