
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3025 - 3048 of 7439

Envirohealth in Blogs: Getting to the meat of things

A little light reading for your Wednesday. . . Liz at The Pump Handle looks at how the problems at Topps Meat managed to get past USDA inspectors, and as per usual it all comes down to money. While we...

Envirohealth News: Peak oil, drought, and (thank goodness) some environmental heroes

Greener parenting: Because "those cute little feet sure do make a big carbon footprint." Atlanta has less than a 90-day supply of water left, and so far there's no backup plan. German-based Energy...

SMM: Eco-intervention

Poor Lindsay Lohas. Once upon a time she was a careful environmentalist, but in the wake of fortune and fame, her eco-idealism has gone down the toilet. Will her friends be able to get her back on...

SMM: Return of the Sign-O-Matic

About a year ago, McDonald's thought it would be a good idea to put miniature Hummers in children's Happy Meals. About a year ago, EWG decided, "Wow, that's actually a really lousy idea." And so began...

Envirohealth News: Extra frog legs, knowing nanotech and more

New EPA regulations will "get the lead out" of drinking water. One more reason to ditch the bottle. More toy recalls for lead paint. Is anyone surprised? In LA, schools are being built by freeways...

Message to Congress: Don't leave organic behind

Having cereal for breakfast? Take your coffee with cream? Serving up a nice cold glass of milk to your child as she's on her way to school? Good then, I'm right on time. You may not choose organic...

Envirohealth News: Mercury-free fish may be in our future

Your environmental health news crib sheet. Something smells.There's " a veritable cocktail of dangerous and potentially dangerous volatile organic compounds" in your air fresheners, and a group of...

Bad beef follow-up: Strip USDA's food-safety oversight?

The USDA may be looking at a change in its role following the scandal that lead to the recall of 143 million pounds of ground beef earlier this week. Representative Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT), who chairs...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Dirty dishes, dirty MRF-ing

This week in the blogosphere. . . Blogfish gets a makeover. Lookin' good, Mark! Revere looks at a study that demonstrates a correlation between weight gain and eating no-calorie sweets made with...

Church of England: Cut down carbon footprint for Lent

I know you are sticking to those New Years resolutions, because they're good for you, plus they might be adding years to your life. However, you're not done yet. Lent, the forty-day liturgical season...

Political turmoil, public health catastrophy

It's hard to talk about the situation in Gaza without being political. And having grown up in 90's in Serbia, a country that experienced severe electricity and water restrictions during its political...

A turning point for the Chesapeake Bay?

Last December, the Maryland legislature approved a new $50 million “Chesapeake Bay 2010 Trust Fund” to help clean up the decades-dirty Bay. The “2010 Trust Fund” will provide money to help...

SMM: ZapRoot and Mixed Greens

Are you watching ZapRoot yet? ZapRoot is an unconventional bite-sized news show that covers the fat changing world of the modern Green Revolution. With sarcasm, silliness, & sanity, ZapRoot encourages...

Ask EWG: How should I wash my fruits and veggies?

Psst. . . You can also hear scientist Kristan Markey answer this month's Ask EWG question on EWG's podcast Mixed Greens! Question: How should I wash my fruits and veggies? Is water enough, or should I...

Nord to reporters: Congress shouldn't ban lead

Good news, parents! The (acting) Chief of the Consumer Product Safety Commission doesn’t see a need for a ban on lead in consumer products. That’s right, even after the onslaught of negative press...

A rock and a hard place: Mercury pollution from common household products

This is a rather instructive story, I think: Since the angelically named Clear Skies Act of 2003 was enacted, mercury levels in bodies of water in Lincoln County, Maine have risen steadily. So, in...

Matthew leaves Enviroblog

Matthew, the leading force behind Enviroblog, left Environmental Working Group yesterday. His next job will be leading a crew of DC high school students at trail and conservation projects in the...


After our May 16 blog about consultant Dennis Paustenbach's possible appointment to an EPA panel on asbestos, we received a letter from Dr. Paustenbach's attorney. It says our use of the word "fraud"...

New and improved Skin Deep database

Three years ago, EWG launched a unique online consumer database called Skin Deep that assesses and compares the safety of personal care products. To this day, Skin Deep is the only online resource for...

The NRA and environmentalists on the same side

Some members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) are furious with President Bush and “Dead-Eye” Dick Cheney. At first I thought ‘how could this be?' Vice President Cheney, while not the best of...

Banned pesticide still used in head lice treatment

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought against The Ecology Center and two Michigan pediatricians who stood up in support of banning the dangerous chemical lindane in anti-head-lice shampoos.

A remedy for road rage

The sun beamed over Washington, DC on this first morning in May. Riding my bicycle through the usual rush hour traffic, I stopped for a red light on 15th street. A 40-something year-old man entered...

The tale of a frustrated bio-diesel consumer

Two years ago, I bought a diesel vehicle. I was living in South Dakota and the idea was to immediately become a consumer of a homegrown fuel, in this case bio-diesel. The bio-diesel produced in South...

Magazines go green

It seems like every magazine puts out a "Green Issue" these days. And while I love nothing more than to see increasing attention paid to the environmental movement, there is a wide disparity in the...