
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1465 - 1488 of 7441

States lead the way to make menstrual products safer

Roughly half of the U.S. population menstruates, and anyone who does will use on average 10,000 menstrual products during their lifetime. These products aren’t luxuries, they’re essential – but...

Corn Belt farmers could dramatically reduce nitrous oxide emissions with a handful of conservation practices

Widespread adoption of six simple farm stewardship practices by corn farmers in the Midwest could dramatically reduce nitrous oxide emissions, EWG has found. Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas that is...

Timeline: Black farmers and the USDA

Timeline: Black farmers and the USDA, 1920 to present

EWG statement on USDA’s new animal welfare, climate claims guidance

Today, the Department of Agriculture released new guidance for food companies making animal raising and climate claims about their food. The Environmental Working Group has petitioned the USDA to...

California lawmakers pass landmark ban on toxic dyes in school food

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Today the California Legislature took a bold step to protect children’s health by passing a bill that bans six harmful chemicals in school food. The bipartisan bill prohibits...

Soaring PG&E fire ignitions show utility’s ongoing threat to California communities

Pacific Gas & Electric Company has already caused 62 fire ignitions in high-risk areas this year – nearly surpassing the 65 ignitions for all of 2023, the Wall Street Journal reports. It shows the...

Chemicals in our food may be contributing to weight gain

It’s no secret rates of overweight, obesity and other metabolic diseases are skyrocketing. And food is a big part of the problem, though not in the way you might think. It isn’t just how many calories...

Best bang for your buck: Skin Deep® green-rated shampoos under $20

Your hair is one of the most important parts of your identity and appearance – and regular shampooing helps keep it vibrant and healthy. But high-end, luxury shampoos can sport $100-plus price tags...

Safer shampoo: Steer clear of these problematic ingredients

A head of clean, healthy hair is a sign of basic self-care for many Americans. But some products might contain ingredients that can increase your exposure to toxic chemicals.

EWG analysis: North Carolina’s factory farms are everywhere – even floodplains and other flood-prone areas

A new EWG geospatial analysis finds that, as of 2020, 156 of North Carolina’s swine and poultry factory farms are located in or just outside floodplains – 59 swine and 97 poultry facilities.

Pregnancy today: A lesson in toxics

When I was pregnant for the first time, I was all about prenatal yoga, checking my baby's amazing developing body online, and comparing symptoms with friends. As it should be. What I wasn't doing was...

Listen up: Kid-Safe Chemicals Act conference call for all

Here at EWG we talk about the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act a lot. Like every day. Sometimes all day. Why? Simple. We think it's time for a new law (the Toxic Substances Control Act that currently regulates...

Study links tap water to high lead levels in Washington children

Researchers have found a shockingly high lead levels in the blood of young Washington, D.C. children tested between 2001 and 2004, when the District of Columbia's drinking water was being contaminated...

The value of clean water

Agricultural pollutants affect drinking water quality nationwide Economic losses caused by nutrient pollution of U.S. freshwaters are felt by people all around the country, according to the policy...

EWG asks HHS nominee Tom Daschle: what about toxics?

Topic A at the Senate confirmation hearing for Health and Human secretary nominee Tom Daschle was health reform. Also Topics B through Y. That's understandable: this country's health crisis is...

Dear George - Don't go away mad. Just go away.

There will be many happy people around the world when the Obama administration takes over in January. Indeed, President Bush will leave the office as one of the least popular presidents in the history...

My new year's resolution? Parent power.

Long before working with EWG, I often visited the "For Parents" page on our web site. I appreciated and trusted the information there (still do!), but truth be told, what I really appreciated was that...

Gulf War Illness: As clear as the nose on your face

If you follow environmental health policy, then you're well aware that there are more than a few folks out there who continue to assure us that low-dose exposures to toxic chemicals don't harm human...

EPA widens rift with science advisers

The stress crack between Environmental Protection Agency and its outside science advisers just got a lot deeper. In fact, these days it looks a lot like a thousand-foot crevasse. The proximate cause...

TSCA? No, thanks. Kid-Safe? Yes, please.

How old were you in 1976? I was 7, the #1 hit song was "Silly Love Songs" by Paul McCartney and Wings, and gas cost 59 cents a gallon. These and most things have changed in the last 32 years, but not...

Am I my water's keeper?

Pharmaceuticals and plastic chemicals in marine and fresh waters. The concept of product stewardship, cradle-to-cradle, or, in more technical language, "life cycle assessment," has now acquired...

Tips from the make-up artist

Prior to working at EWG, I was the happy ignorant consumer. I got my cosmetics at the regular drug stores, believing that what I buy is safe, because, otherwise it wouldn’t be there. Since working...

Eco-nomics, the new kind of economics

If you live in Washington DC, as I do, there are two things that you hear about everywhere you turn- the U.S. presidential election and the economic crisis. The first topic will be resolved quickly...

Mr. Yuk: He's in my house, is he in yours?

So this is a little embarrassing. On the one hand, I'm pleased with myself for getting the Mr. Yuk stickers, preventing my children from sticking them everywhere, and applying them to the grim...